Examine skills needed to investigate crimes

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Reference no: EM132808553

Question 1. Examine the skills needed to investigate crimes and how you can leverage those skills in your future job.

Question 2. Discuss how your coursework in CRJ has prepared you for this aspect of your job in the CRJ field.

Question 3. Determine your strengths and weaknesses and discuss how you plan to leverage your strengths and address any weaknesses.

Reference no: EM132808553

Questions Cloud

Research cyber-incident online regarding company : Research a cyber-incident online regarding a company/organization, provide link. Who was to blame in it?
Data Collection : Keeping in mind that you are building your final project component-by-component, create a Microsoft Word document and respond.
Compare and contrast bomber case studies : Compare and contrast bomber case studies. Conduct research on the five criminal bomber cases listed below.
Juvenile justice system : Understand the role different actors have in the Juvenile Justice system such as, juvenile court judge, the prosecutor, the juvenile defense counsel
Examine skills needed to investigate crimes : Examine the skills needed to investigate crimes and how you can leverage those skills in your future job.
Research criminal justice career : Research a criminal justice career. Identify the career you researched and describe one type of report that you may be required to write while on the job.
Warrantless search of vehicles : Was the officer given proper consent to search the car under Schneckloth v. Bustamonte (1973)? Explain.
Human trafficking : Human Trafficking, You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime,
Telltale signs of the incident happening prior to event : Identify any telltale signs of the incident happening prior to the event. How can a security manager best anticipate such incidents?


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