Examine security groups to determine what traffic is allowed

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133480445

Question: Security groups are virtual firewalls that are attached to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. Security group rules define what traffic is allowed in or out of an instance. In this lab, you are tasked to configure access rules for EC2 instances.After completing this lab, you should be able to do the following:

  • Examine security groups to determine what traffic is allowed.
  • Change which security groups are applied to EC2 instances.
  • Create new security groups.
  • Update the inbound rules on security groups to follow the principle of least privilege.
  • Understand how security groups can reference other security groups.
  • Configure a network access control list (ACL) to block traffic on a specific TCP port.
  • Connect to an instance in a private subnet by using SSH.
  • Connect to an instance in a private subnet by using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.

Lab report submission:Please take screenshots for each task. And then put all the screenshot in one Word document. And you need to write 1-2 sentences for each task:
Each task has one screenshot.
Each task has 1-2 sentences narrative report.
One Word document with all screenshots and narrative report.

Reference no: EM133480445

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