Examine of the earliest types of social policies

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Reference no: EM131813424

Axinn & Stern Text

Chapter two examines of the earliest types of social policies affecting colonial America.

Refer to the Project Outline Scoring Guide for grading criteria.

Discussion 1

Indenture Contracts

Search the Internet for additional examples of indenture contracts like those found in the text. Post the URL you find and explain why you found it useful and informative in understanding early American welfare policies.

Discussion 2

Colonial Social Thought

Choose a major theme that had the most impact in the colonial era. Analyze it in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. How did it reflect the needs of society at that time? Is there a comparable example that you can identify in today''s society?

Discussion 3

Early Protection

How did the various methods of preventing social insolvency protect the individual as well as the community during the colonial era? Do those methods reflect any methods used today to protect the individual and the community?

Verified Expert

This paper is of five parts first part of this paper is about earliest types of social policies affecting colonial America. Second parts includes identification poverty concerning social welfare policy. Third part is about understanding of early American welfare policies and fourth part includes a major theme that had the most impact in the colonial era and final part includes the various methods such as Schooling and composition of the community and of preventing social insolvency protect the individual as well as the community during the colonial era.

Reference no: EM131813424

Questions Cloud

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Examine of the earliest types of social policies : Choose a major theme that had the most impact in the colonial era. Analyze it in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. How did it reflect the needs of society
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1/15/2018 12:46:22 AM

nit 2 Study 1 Axinn & Stern Text Read Chapter 2, pages 16-34, in the Axinn & Stern text. Chapter 2 examines of the earliest types of social policies affecting colonial America. . Toggle Drawer [u02s2] Unit 2 Study 2 Project Checkpoint Begin working on the outline for the course project, which is due at the end of Unit 3. Your outline should identify the social welfare policy that you will evaluate in your project. Refer to the Project Outline Scoring Guide for grading criteria. . Toggle Drawer . Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

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