Examine networking principles and their protocols

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM133161544

Unit 2 Networking - Pearson BTECH Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assignment - Understanding Networking concepts according to the current industry

Learning Outcome 1: Examine networking principles and their protocols.

Learning Outcome 2: Explain networking devices and operations.

Assignment Brief

Most Universities admired in private Higher Education Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Administration and the academic staff are very much concerned about providing required facilities for the students in the field of Network. Networking computers is not the complicated process it used to be. What used to be along drawn out process is now made easier and more efficient, causing less distraction and disruption in organizations.

Imagine that you are a network specialist working for your company Speed tech in a start-up level position. So Before starting the process study the basics of Networking. Talk to the organization thinking about moving to the Best of Networking industry taking the new technological improvement into consideration.

You will need to produce an outcome on the networking development process to the organization that includes the following:

1. The growth of the Network

2. Detailing of the new networking technologies introduced

3. The outcome that will be gained through Network considering the networking principles, protocols and devices, including benefits and constraints of networked solutions, the impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements, effectiveness of networking systems, operating principles of Networking devices and server types and networking software.

During the process in terms of working in the organization you are supposed to go through in depth process on Designing and implementing a local area network. You are supposed to follow the below steps below according to the requirement by the organization

• A LAN design plan and justification document.
• A fully completed test plan including an evaluation of results and recommendations for improvements to LAN.
• A proposed and justified maintenance schedule.
• Evidence of an implemented network.

And you are ask to analyse the specification from the institution above for completion of this project within a given timeframe.
The LAN design that you are about to design should be well planned thinking out of the box which will make an Effective result on the designed LAN network. After the designing process is completed.

The concept to go through with LAN design is to design a network diagram to implement to a start-up Organization with relevant requirements and configurations. The network system should be under the default
Gateway of allocating 10 terminals including a server with proper configurations.

Diziscuss the importance of Networking to the current trend by considering the real world on how the industry moves and how the past network was used going through the relevant concepts in the networking sector, with valid examples in your explanation. (note - you could also include the roles of networking, types of networking and further more)
*Finally justify the Importance of introducing Networking to speed tech as described in the scenario.

*Further Discuss the benefits and constraints of different Networking systems types (eg. peer based, client-server) explanation should be in brief with related networking diagrams
*With comparison discuss the pros and Cons of Networking systems discussed above (Report)

Part 2- Speed tech is planning to get a broadband (ADSL) internet connection from SLT. They are providing ZTE ADSL wireless router (ZXV10-W300) with the internet connection. Wi-Fi is considered as the main networking technology when it comes to implementing Wireless Local Area Networks.
*Briefly explain on the Wi-Fi technology and its standard meanwhile analyzing the features and provide strengths and weakness of Wireless ADSL Router, in order give a brief on the transmission media and the components of it
- Guided media
- Unguided media
*You also need to discuss on some of the ISP (Internet Service Providers) in Sri Lanka on their growth and expansion giving out some examples considering the current industry.

*Finally come to a valid justification detailing on the most suitable technology considering the Ethernet or WIFI To be used in speed tech.

Part 3- As discussed above in the assignment brief and guidance, Imagine, with the position your holding in the organization you are working in the networking industry and your supposed to create and present a presentation explaining the basics of networking components to speed tech. *
In your Presentation Use appropriate images, diagrams and tables in the presentation and use technical language accurately.
*Discuss all the factors needed to form a Networking environment according to your point of view. Information's
should be added to the slide to the point and not more than 15 slides (Presentation) (Report)

Part 4- *Explain the term Network Topology and the uses of it in the industrial exposure through a research on the growth of the network history.
*Describe the types of Networking Topologies briefly to the point with related diagrams and comparison. (Note: explanations should be in detail with examples)
*Considering the topologies select a topology which is the most suitable to the scenario in order to implement the client-server architecture in the lab with relevant diagram and Justification considering the part 1 on Networking Systems. (Report)

LO2 - Explain networking devices and operations

Part 1- *Discuss how OSI model and network protocols enable effective utilization of different networking systems. (Note: detailed definition for each of the OSI layers defined.

You may discuss how it allows multiple-vendor development through standardization of network components.
*In the discussion further discuss the functions of a protocol and explain each protocols defined with examples and short answers to the point.
* When it is a network obviously there is a data flow, finally discuss the importance of data flow and the types of data flow in the current networking environment with related diagrams and real world examples. (Report)

Part 2- When it is in the network environment working on with servers which is common now a days.
*Describe the term server and its key functions accordingly in your point of view and select server types that are most suitable for the given scenario and separately discuss the role of each and every server type (Report)

Part 3 - Describe the components needed to form a network, and along with the report suggest some of the
Networking devices and its importance with a detailed explanation with valid examples.

LO3 - Design efficient networked systems

1. Prepare a written step-by-step plan of how you are planning to design a Local Area Network (Report) (Diagram)

2. Justify your choice of devices for your network design.

3. Produce a test plan to evaluate this design for the requirements of bandwidth and cost constraints as per user specifications. (Table) (Report)

4. Justify and include the security requirements with a new diagram under the default gateway of for the terminals to the diagram designed above and quality of services needed for selection of accessories.

5. Give out the steps of preparing the Networking cables for real time implementation for the below mentioned,

- Straight Through Cabling
- Cross over cabling

Part 2 Implement test and diagnose networked systems

1. Explain What is IP and the classes of IP and justify the selection of the class of IP address to the above designed diagram in part 1(Report)

2. Explain the term Static IP and Dynamic IP with proper steps of configuration (Add relevant screenshots
done during practical session.

3. Show the steps done to complete the process of file sharing (report) (Screenshots)

4. Implement a network you would suggest for a further development according to your point of view with justification with a detailed diagram

5. Conduct verification and explain pinging process (screenshots)

6. Record the test results and analyse these against expected results. (screenshots)

7. Investigate what functionalities would allow the system to support device growth and the addition of communication devices.

Reference no: EM133161544

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