Examine most effective manner of reaching specific segments

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Reference no: EM133570424



Building on the Strategic Planning and Development homework, prepare a 10 slides Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, with narration, of your plan to present to the executive committee.

In this homework, use the health care organization you selected in your homework. Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process (securing funding, establishing and focusing on organizational priorities, et cetera). In this presentation:

1. Establish a clear vision for the strategic planning process.

2. Paint a picture of where your organization will be going and of your desired outcomes.

3. Ensure the picture is reality; not just what you or your executive committee may want to have.

4. Make certain the strategic plan allows employees to know why the organization is changing.

Homework Format

Your 10-slide PowerPoint presentation should follow this format:

• Slide I: Cover Slide

1. Include the title of your presentation, your name, the course number and course title, your professor's name, the university's name, and the date.

• Slide II: Background/Executive Summary

1. The title of this slide should be Executive Summary.

2. Describe the details of the situation.

3. Use bullets with short phrases.

• Slide III: Thesis Statement

1. The title of this slide should be Thesis Statement.

2. Identify the focus of your research.

• Slides IV-IX: Support

1. Support your thesis statement following the SESC formula: state, explain, support, and conclude. (Use Sublevel 1 and 2 Headings to provide coherence and organization.)

2. Provide in-text citations using the format in the Strayer Writing Standards.

3. Slides should be concise - basically no more than seven bullets per slide and no more than seven words per bullet.

4. Most information in a PowerPoint presentation should be contained within the notes section.

• Slide X: References

1. Locate at least three peer-reviewed journal articles to support your work. For example, to identify the clinical quality that does not compare to other hospitals, see the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hospital Compare site.

2. Use the Strayer Writing Standards format for your references.


Your presentation must include all of the elements listed below, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be assessed:

Question A. Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process.

Question B. Analyze the differences between strategic management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and managing strategic momentum.

Question C. Justify the analytical tool that will be the most effective in helping the organization achieve its strategic plan; support the proposal with an example of how it will be used.

Question D. Examine the three internal and three external factors that you discovered during your research that could be barriers to the success of your proposed strategic plan; discuss solutions to each of the barriers.

Question E. Examine the most effective manner of reaching the specific segments of the market that your organization's strategic plan will target.

Question F. Evaluate how well the strategic plan you have developed aligns with the organization's mission and vision. Recommend at least one solution to track the effectiveness of your strategic plan.

The specific course outcome associated with this homework is:

A. Outline the process for implementing and evaluating a health care organization's strategic plan.

Reference no: EM133570424

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