Examine management of human capital

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133545963


Provide a presentation using PowerPoint that includes twenty pages, include all the following points:

A. Examine how key managers act to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in an organization.

B. Examine management of human capital and how it supports strategic thinking (ST) and the learning organization (LO).

C. Analyze the impact structure and culture have on the creation and maintenance of ST/LO organizations

D. Formulate an inclusion and relationship-building strategy for managers within the organization.

E. Design your own management plan to meet current and future needs. Taking the following into consideration - Organizational Structure and design, Organizational Culture and workplace environment, Organizational Behavior, cultural diversity and inclusion - and provide at least three strategies that would help an organization move toward the future.

F. Explain how managers can predict future challenges (internal & external factors, culture, structure influences, communication and system thinking) and what actions they can take to overcome these.

Reference no: EM133545963

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