Examine how the policy was formulated

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Reference no: EM131833314


Assignment 1

Chapter 1 of your textbook includes consequences of public policy.

Searching the an Online Library, select a local, national, or international public policy topic and identify the pros and cons of the policy.

Examine how the policy was formulated and which stakeholders were involved in the process.

Also, evaluate whether the policy creates a benefit for one group while other groups experience problems or concerns because of the public policy.

Your paper must be in APA style. This includes a title page, one-inch margins, double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, in-text citations, and a reference page. Level headings are also encouraged to help organize your paper.

Your paper must be a minimum of two (2) pages (completely full) in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Assignment 2

Review the video Public Service Stories - Ask Me Why I Care. (2015, October 14). Ask me why I care: J. Fred Silva, senior policy advisor, California Forward [Video].

Emphasizing the old days when community and civic leaders communicated on a regular basis, Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, supporting California local government, also provides advice for students interested in public policy development.

Based on the unit lesson and Mr. Silva's advice on solving public policy challenges, select a local or national policy issue, then outline and specifically delineate each policy process variable(s).

Your paper should include:

An introductory paragraph identifying the public policy topic and background;

Six comprehensive paragraphs - each paragraph heading will be listed as:

Problem Definition and Analysis: In this paragraph, answer the questions of who, what, why, where, when, and how much.

Drafting Policy Options: In this paragraph, identify policy options.

Policy Decision Implications: In this paragraph, identify which stakeholders and what will be changed.

Measuring Alternatives: In this paragraph, identify realistic and practical options.

Ethical Implications: In this paragraph, identify what groups' values or cultures may be affected.

Desirable Conclusions: In this paragraph, describe the policy selected and why it was selected; and a summary.

Conclude your remarks by illustrating why public policy option was selected, why it was the best option or not the best and identify what lessons you learned from your research.

Your assignment should be two (2) completely full pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure your paper is double-spaced and uses 12-point font and one-inch margins.

Use your own words and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131833314

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