Examine how companies finance their expansion

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131806296

For this discussion, you will examine how companies finance their expansion into the global marketplace. You will look at a current example of global expansion and consider the financing of the expansion.

First, read Chapters 15 and 16 in your text, as well as the required module resources. You will also need to research current financial news on the internet or in print (for example, Bloomberg, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, or the Financial Times).

Next, find a current (in the last two to three years) financial article describing a company that has expanded globally. You can also use foreign multinational corporations (MNCs) that are expanding to the U.S. market.

Post a link to your selected article in the discussion board, summarizing your reading of the article, and, additionally, address the following in your initial post:

In which country is the MNC headquartered and to which country is it expanding?

How did the MNC finance its global expansion (for example, did it raise debt or issue extra shares)? If the article did not specify, you can take a look at the MNC's financial statements.

Do you think that it was a successful and beneficial expansion? Why or why not?

In responding to your peers, provide your view on the MNC they discussed, including the financial methods the company used and your own thoughts on the success of the MNC's expansion.

Reference no: EM131806296

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