Reference no: EM13770025
Write a three to four (2-3) page proposal paper which covers the following:
1. Analyze how using Terminal Services will help meet many of the criteria for providing applications for the remote offices.
2. Propose how to deploy, configure, and secure terminal service features in order to meet the requirements specified in the scenario.
3. Examine how application pools will help to reduce costs of licensing of applications.
4. Propose how to best plan, deploy, and configure the application servers in alignment with the given scenario.
5. Propose the best way to plan, deploy, and configure the file servers.
6. Determine how to deploy and configure the intranet and Web applications
7. Use Visio or a similar tool to graphically depict the physical and logical layout of your plan. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
8. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
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Examine how application pools will help to reduce costs
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