Examine homeland security issue relate to emergency response

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131312793

Research Paper

For this writing assignment, you find a current event that has occurred in the last year. Your paper will be a minimum of 3 pages and include a summary of the event, the perceived impact of the event on the American Homeland Security landscape, your opinion of the event, and defense of your opinion. Your paper must include a "reference page" not included in the 3-page minimum.

Current Events: Current Event assignments are designed to give you an opportunity to critically examine contemporary Homeland Security issues related to Emergency Response, Disaster Mitigation, Prevention, and Preparedness. You are challenged to find news articles, press releases, industry announcements, etc. that impact some aspect of Homeland Security. National and international events may be used, but MUST be related to Emergency Response, Disaster Mitigation, Prevention, and Preparedness.

Reference no: EM131312793

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