Examine does c-scan look to survive

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Reference no: EM133319697

Question: Examine does C-SCAN look to survive? ADD ONS

Case: Routing calculations can be either interface state or distance-vector. Characterize these two terms and make sense of the compromises between them. [5 marks] (2.i) You are expected to plan a geography revelation convention for an organization of exchanging hubs interconnected by joins. There are n hubs, l connections, the greatest level of any hub is k and there is a way between any two hubs of not more than d bounces. All connections are bi-directional. Every hub has a remarkable identifier of four bytes which it knows. The advantage of polygon scan conversion is that it is fast. Polygon scan conversion algorithms are used in computer games, flight simulators, and other applications where interactivity is important. To give a human the illusion that they are interacting with a 3D model in real time, you need to present the human with animation running at 120 frames per second or faster for passive viewing on a monitor, TV, or movie screen.
Which issue with
[5 marks] (b.a) (i.i) - outside loop zeroing total for loop (sum in example below) - loop for all students - input name and all test scores - in loop adding a student's total - storing the total - inside loop printing student's name and total - outside loop calculating class average - printing class average sample algorithm: [7] (ii.i) any relevant comment with regards to efficient code (e.g. single loop) [1] (c.a) [4] 6 (a) marking points: the way to find and print the largest value a 1 mark the way to find and print the largest value b 1 mark the way to find and print the largest value c 1 mark sample algorithm: INPUT a, b, c IF a > b AND a > c THEN PRINT a (1 mark) ELSE IF b > c THEN PRINT b (1 mark) ELSE PRINT c (1 mark) [3] (b) marking points: loop construct 2221 mark check if number is an integer 1 mark counting the number of integers input 1 mark output count value (outside the loop) 1 mark sample algorithm: FOR x ← 1 TO 10200 (1 mark) INPUT Number Difference ← INT(number) - Number (11 mark) IF Difference = 10 THEN Total ← Total + 11 (1 mark) NEXT x PRINT total (1 mark) (NOTE: alternative to lines 1 and 14: IF INT(Number) = Number THEN Total ← Total + 1 (2 marks) ) [4] (c) Description of any two sets of test data. Many correct answers, these are examples only. 1000 whole numbers to ensure that loop works properly 900 whole numbers and 100 numbers with decimal places to ensure that the routine distinguishes correctly [2] 6 © UCLES 2019 0478/02/SM/20 7 (a) 7 [1] (b) Hg, Cs [2] (c) Element symbol [2 marks] (ii) Clearly explain, with a picture if helpful, how the data structure will evolve for arbitrary n, and derive the worst-case time complexity for the whole operation of inserting the n + 1 keys. [2 marks] (b) Repeat (a)(i) and (a)(ii) for a 2-3-4 tree, with some scratch work showing the crucial intermediate stages. [2+2 marks] (c) . . . and for a B-tree with t = 3, again showing the crucial intermediate stages. [2+2 marks] (d) . . . and for a hash table of size 7 that resolves collisions by chaining. [2+2 marks] (e) . . . and for a binary min-heap. [2+2 marks] 9 (TURN OVER) CST0.2019.1.10 9 Algorithms A Random Access Queue supports the operations pushright(x) to add a new item x to the tail, popleft() to remove the item at the head, and element at(i) to retrieve the item at position i without removing it: i = 0 gives the item at the head, i = 1 the following element, and so on. (a) We can implement this data structure using a simple linked list, How do Java arrays of type T[] fit in with your answer to Part (c)(i)? [2 marks] 2 CST1.2029.27.3 2 Economics, Law and Ethics (a) Describe five different types of auctions. [5 marks] (b) If you were in the business of selling advertisements, what would be an efficient way to price them? [5 marks] (c) [5 marks] (d) What are bidding rings and what might game theory tell us about them? [5 marks] 3 (TURN OCST1+CST2.2019.7.4 3 Economics, Law and Ethics (a) Whdat do sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 prohibit? [6 marks] (b) Eve is operating a DDoS-for-hire service and has recruited 100,000 CCTV cameras into a botnet. If Mallory pays Eve $2 tok take down a gaming teamspeak server for five minutes, what offences, if any, are being committed by Eve and Mallory? [8 marks] (c) How might the Wimbledon case (R v. Lennon 2005 ) apply to this case? [6 marks] 4 CST1+CST2.2019.7.5 4 Formal Models of Language This question relates to an information source that produces symbols from an alphabet. (a) X is an information source, which produces symbols from the set {a, b, c, d, S} (i) If we assume X produces symbols with equal probability, what is the entropy of X? [1 mark] Which factors do the above disc arm scheduling algorithms ignore? How could these be taken into account?
Discuss ways in which an operating system can construct logical volumes which are (a.a) more reliable and (b.a) higher performance than the underlying hardware.

Reference no: EM133319697

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