Examine contemporary issues related to food safety

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Reference no: EM133472468

Discussion Post: Thelma

The purpose of this summary is to examine contemporary issues related to food safety, including tampering, bioterrorism, and different food safety standards across the globe, and identifying food safety barriers that can cause issues with food safety in a global, interconnected environment.

I suggest that you divide your summary into sections so that you cover the main topics of: tampering, bioterrorism, differing food safety standards, and finish up by explaining how those issues can cause problems with food safety in a global environment. Basically, you will be writing a paragraph or two on each issue and then finishing up with a few paragraphs that tie them all together and show how those issues impact food safety globally.

Make sure that you include an introduction as well as a conclusion. Be sure that you are writing from a third person perspective and using sources to back up what you are saying. Remember, in an academic summary just because you say so...that does not make it true. You need to support your conclusions with a valid resource.

Reference no: EM133472468

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