Examine consciousness, make a list, after your reflections

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Reference no: EM133382826

Question: First philosophical lesson here is that supernatural explanations are insufficient. Because they can be used to "explain" anything and everything, they essentially explain nothing. I would hope that by the 21st century we have grown acclimated to searching for natural explanations to natural phenomenon. Examine the consciousness, Make a list, after your reflections, of at least three (3) beliefs that you regard as unquestionable; irrevocably true; could not possibly be wrong; it would be insane to think otherwise,Remember two important covenants here: one, you are expected to have some strength in your convictions and need not be embarrassed to express them and, two, you have signed on to a philosophy class and criticism of your convictions should be expected, if not encouraged. In this Nothing is sacred unless everything is; everything, repeat: everything, is open to question.For each of the beliefs you do share be sure to "categorize" them as to where you think they fall into the three traditional branches of philosophy. Do not be discouraged if you cannot pigeon-hole a belief into just one but not another of these branches. Rather, tell us why you cannot or are having difficulty. One critical thing you may want to know is what is real and if you believe something to be real

Reference no: EM133382826

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