Examine annual budget of your local government jurisdiction

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM132134053

Discussion 1: Analyzing Public Income Support Policy

There are many possible collective benefits, and arguments, for government assistance to the poor. In particular, there is much debate over the government providing for children (under 18) and the working poor. For example, the United States' government runs two major programs targeted to the poor: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) . The major programs providing in-kind benefits are Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP), Medicaid, and housing assistance.

Post by Day 3 an analysis of public expenditures for low-income beneficiaries. Your analysis should include the following:

. What are the collective benefits of government assistance for children? Support your response with examples and evidence.
. What are the collective benefits of government assistance for the working poor? Support your response with credible examples and evidence.
Be sure to support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources and other peer-reviewed sources and provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

Discussion 2: Homeland Security Policy Cost-Effectiveness

The creation of the new cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security after the 9/11 attacks represents the most significant reorganization of the U.S. government since our mobilization to fight World War II. We have doubled our spending on homeland security in the years since 9/11 (Brown University, 2011).

For this Discussion, consider whether a cost-benefit analysis of the cost of homeland security should be based on the benefit of expected lives saved? Do we need to take account of the opportunity cost of these homeland security expenditures and the cost of alternatives, such as mitigating the conditions that inspire terrorist acts?
Post by Day 3 an explanation for how to determine the cost-effective mix of government program policy decisions designed to address the threat of terrorist acts. Your explanation should address the following:
. How do political disagreements between the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government about spending for defense and homeland security result in policies that are not cost effective and prevent the attainment of efficiency?
. Justify your response with supportive examples and credible evidence.
Be sure to support your post with specific references to the Learning Resources and other peer-reviewed sources and provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.


Annual Budget: Local Government Subsidies

As you examine the Annual Budget of your local government jurisdiction, there will be a table or list of appropriations by department. Review the list and consider which residents of the jurisdiction that particular department serves. Some, like public safety and refuse collection, serve the entire population. Others, like libraries and swimming pools serve only users of specific services. A program to provide housing to the homeless serves a specific group of residents. An agency like the Department of Health serves specific groups, perhaps by providing vaccinations, as well as the entire community by protecting the community from the spread of infectious diseases.

From the Annual Budget for your local jurisdiction, respond to the following questions in a 2- to 3-page paper:
. Which of the programs financed by this jurisdiction benefit all residents?
. What are two or three specific groups being subsidized by this jurisdiction? Examples might be users of public transit, streets and roadways, or park and recreation facilities.
. Is there a specific policy objective stated for this subsidization? Explain.
. Is there a measurement process in place to determine success or failure? Explain.

Name of jurisdiction: The name of jurisdiction is El Paso County, Texas. The seat of El Paso County is the city of El Paso.
Web address of the jurisdiction: The web address of the jurisdiction is

Description of the jurisdiction: The jurisdiction is a county in the US state of Texas. It is dominated mainly by the city of El Paso which is the seat of the local government. The county has a population of 800,000 (El Paso County Budget, 2017). This makes it the sixth most populated county in the state of Texas. The local government provides a number of services to citizens. These include the Sun Metro, Mass Transit System; museums and parks; police services; public health services; public library; maintenance of streets; water utility; and aviation services. The city council also provides a number of other community and environmental services.

Population: As aforementioned, according to the 2010 census, the population of El Paso County is approximately, 800,000. Most of the population resides in El Paso city.

Total Expenditure: Total expenditure in the most recent complete year, 2016, for which data is available was $ 1.126 billion. For the year 2017, the budgeted expenditure is $ 900.324 million, while in 2018 the budgeted expenditure is $ 896.357 million. This shows that the county is trying to control its expenditures. This has been done mainly to control the fiscal deficit of the local government (El Paso County Budget, 2017). For 2017 and 2018 the budgeted expenditures have been matched with budgeted revenues for the years. Property taxes are the biggest and most important source of revenue for the county of El Paso. Charges for the various services that the county government provides to its citizens, such as water utility services, account for second biggest source of revenue. They are followed by sales tax, which are the third biggest source of revenue for the local government. Other sources of revenue of El Paso county are penalties and interests; franchise fees; fines and forfeitures; license and permits; intergovernmental revenues; revenues from county participation; rents; enterprise revenues, etc. Personal services make up the biggest expenditure of the county government in a year. Personal services mean the costs of wages, salaries and other fringe benefits that are given to employees. Contractual services make up the second biggest chunk of expenditures.

These are the expenditures for the various services that the county outsources to outside vendors or contractors. Capital outlay is another significant expenditure category for the county (El Paso County Budget, 2017). Capital outlay means expenditure on acquisition of equipment, construction and land acquisition. Other expenditure categories of the county are materials and supplies; operating expenditures; non-operating expenditures; intergovernmental expenditures, etc. The services provided by El Paso County are very similar to the services provided by the jurisdiction chosen by the colleague.

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This is a theoretical based assignment which deals with an understanding the general concerns in relation with cost and society to solve this assignment it is important to underrated the dynamics of the society.

Reference no: EM132134053

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