Examine and evaluate decision-making systems

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Reference no: EM133561655 , Length: word count:1700

Business Decision Analytics

Assessment 2 - Decision Style Analysis Reflective report

Learning Outcome 1: Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision- making tools and reflect on your decision-making styles and contrast with other styles to determine the respective levels of rationality and intuition utilized

Learning Outcome 2: Compare, contrast and critically evaluate sources of data as influences for decision-making in a range of business contexts

Learning Outcome 3: Examine and evaluate decision-making systems and techniques to engage group decisions and analyse how these can enhance sustainable outcomes

Learning Outcome 4: Critically examine emerging tools and technologies for decision making


In today's workplaces, collaborative team-work is expected. Diversity in teams is a reality , but can lead to conflict and tensions, due to lack of intercultural intelligence, dominant personalities, or poor decisions due to passivity of members who may succumb to Groupthink (Janis, 1972), or who may be biased and have multiple blind spots. Your understanding and experience of these issues are vitally important to your overall business knowledge.

This assessment has been designed to:

• Apply decision-making systems and techniques in a group
• Interrogate and interpret a range of data analytics pertinent to a relevant contemporary organisational challenge, decision or change of strategy.
• Apply and evaluate those systems and techniques to support effective decision- making in organisations.

• Engage as a team to present your findings in a visual, oral and written format that critically evaluates the decision-making process in a contemporary organization.
• Form your arguments through the use of contemporary literature associated with decision making theories and concepts as presented in Modules 1 to 4.
• Work as a team to identify research a business decision and present a business report and ten-minute presentation.
• Reflect on each team members' and your personal contribution in researching the case
study, from preparing the report and compiling the in-class presentation.

Part A: MGT602 Assessment 2 guidelines 3000-word report.

This assessment draws on learning activities and resources from Modules 1-4. It is designed for you to analyse a corporate case study and the decision-making process using only theories and concepts from Business Decision analytics. You should consider in researching and preparing your case study report the following:
• The business challenge or issue detailed by your learning facilitator
• Background to the business case scenario provided by your Learning Facilitator
• Collection of relevant internal and external data sources that the organization may have used in the decision-making process
• Identification of the key person or persons making the decision
• Analysis and influence of individuals and group dynamics impact on the decision- making
• Analysis of the decision-making process considering all theories and concepts discussed in Modules 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Relevant visual interpretation and presentation of relevant data / trends/ patterns

Report format

1. Executive summary: 250 words maximum. The executive summary is a summation of the report. Included are the case being analysed; the data and evidence collected; the theories used and associated conclusion; and the overall findings.
2. Table of contents.
3. Introduction: 300 words maximum. The introduction will present the reader with a clear and concise understanding of the following: 1. What is the submission about; 2. What theories will be used; 3 Your concise conclusion; and 4 The structure of the submission. A short introduction of the team's members should also be incorporated.
4. Analysis and evaluation: 2400 words maximum. In this section the report will analyse and evaluate the decision-making process using selected theories and concepts from your readings of the various Modules in MGT602 and your wider readings.

5. Conclusion: 300 words maximum. In this section you will provide a concise summation of your analysis and conclusion(s).
6. References: A minimum of 10 academic references are required from seminal sources and books. These references MUST include references discussed and utilized in class plus any other appropriate and relevant references you have encountered in your research. Referencing must be APA style.

Part B. MGT602 Assessment 2 guidelines peer evaluation:

Each student will submit a self and peer evaluation matrix rating the contribution of each group member in the research and preparation of the group report and presentation. Refer Appendix below. To successfully complete this Part C of the assessment, each group should prepare and maintain a project plan, records of meetings, actions (who/what/how/when) which is updated weekly. Each student's peer evaluation will include individual ratings and a 200-word analysis of the collective group's decision-making processes. Each student's peer evaluation must be included in the Appendix of the report
In class Feedback session
To aid your team to successfully complete this assessment, your team will have the opportunity to prepare up to a ten-minute, non assessable presentation of their proposed report findings to be presented in week 7 or 8 of the semester. This presentation will provide the audience with a succinct understanding of: the case study, the decision, analysis and conclusions. The purpose of the presentation is for your team to gain meaningful feedback from your peers to enhance your future written report submission. Your team may also pick up useful ideas from listening to the other team's presentations. The presentation should use the following format
• Introduction - 1 minute: Case, group members, theories and presentation structure
• Analysis: - 8 minutes: Application of selected theories and concepts and evaluation of the decision making process gained from this course
• Conclusion - 1 minute: Summation of presentation analysis and evaluation
• References:

Assessment 1
In this assessment you are to use the decision-making models suggested in the Assessment 1 brief. You must show written and visual evidence of the use of those models in addressing the following decision-making issue.
• Analyse why you have undertaken postgraduate study. The important emphasis here is on what you hope to gain from this extra level of education, balanced by the various covert and overt expenses you will incur.
• This is not a historical record of what occurred to get you to this stage, but rather WHY you chose to undertake further study utilising the few decision models we have covered so far in class.
• The references you employ in this assessment MUST include some of the references offered in Modules 1 and 2.

Assessment 2 Group Case Study

According to many current business sources, one of the key challenges facing businesses going into 2024 will be the effective use of human resource management.

Human resource management

Enhanced neural network capabilities and an increased number of remote workers, especially in IT, make adjustments to the future labour market. Still, despite the AI drastic development, it cannot fully replace humans. And it is a non-trivial task to consider the human factor in a system that is constantly becoming more complex.

Fortunately, the issue of managing a growing workforce is a common business problem. There are a number of efficient solutions for HR management, including complex and free ones, especially for small and medium businesses.

The topic you are to address is to research specific business decision processes that will help address the key business challenge of successful human resource management. Additionally, your team needs to look at options to successfully incorporate HRM capacity in the immediate future.
There are many options to address the HRM challenges which may include but not limited to emerging technology.
It is important that you analyse the various issues at hand and compare and contrast them accordingly. Furthermore, your team must utilise examples from at least 3 different companies where HR is identified as a key management issue. Your report should offer recommendations to address and neutralise this business challenge.

You will need to utilise different decision-making models that you have covered in this subject to date to help address these issues.
It is highly recommended that you utilise issues that face the industry that YOU currently work in or have worked in previously.

In summary

• Your team will need to critically analyse and evaluate alternatives to address this issue.
• Your team will need to look at the relevant decision-making models that are or may be utilised to address the issue.
• Your team will need to propose a list of recommendations to address the issue.
• You must support your research with relevant data and use appropriate visuals to enhance the report.
• Your team will also need to address all other criteria required from the assessment brief.

Assessment 3

This assessment is primarily developed to give you an opportunity to deal with real-world situations you will encounter in business.

Recent research has shown that a majority of companies have embraced a Focus on Sustainability

Research from IBM and the National Retail Federation shows that half of US consumers say they're willing to pay more for sustainable products, and 62% of consumers are willing to change their shopping habits in order to reduce their environmental impact.

Globally, reports show that 85% of people have changed their purchasing habits to become more sustainable in the past five years.

Businesses are responding to this consumer demand by paying special attention to their ESG processes.

However, a McKinsey survey found the business results for the bottom line might not be quite that promising yet. In their survey, only 22% of respondents reported achieving modest or significant value from their sustainability efforts in the past five years.

In this assessment you are to critically reflect on the application of key concepts and theories of MGT602 in the analysis and adaptation to a focus on sustainability as identified from your current or previous workplace. In doing so, you MUST consider a meaningful challenge that

YOU encountered or observed another person or persons make. You need to research and address the various elements of this important decision-making environment that has been covered in your classes this trimester.If you do not have previous workplace management experience, then you must analyse the challenges that your team experienced in the group decision-making processes undertaken by the team in Assessment task 2. This analysis should be based on your personal perceptions, not the group's. This is a reflective assessment, not a descriptive essay.To successfully address this assessment, you will need to review the models we addressed throughout the trimester or others that you have come across through your studies this trimester and use them to back up your analysis.

Attachment:- Business Decision Analytics.rar

Reference no: EM133561655

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Examine and evaluate decision-making systems : Examine and evaluate decision-making systems and techniques to engage group decisions and analyse how these can enhance sustainable outcomes
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How did spanish respond to the discovery of new world : How did the Spanish respond to the discovery of a new world?
Develop your theoretical framework about nurse burnout : Develop your theoretical framework about nurse burnout, explain of your theoretical framework and detail how it connects to Nurse burnout.


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