Examine and describe the key elements of change management

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13223240

As an organisation enhances its project management capability, it is important for the organisation to assess where it is at any given moment in its journey. Building on the Computer Management Maturity Model work completed at the Software Engineering Institute, the Project Management Institute and others have developed an Organisational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) to help an organisation assess where it is, to improve its project management capability, and to identify key steps it can take to move ahead. It is important to review the OPM3 so that students understand that a convenient methodology or framework exists for helping them assess where an organisation is with respect to its project management capability.

Through numerous applications of OPM3, the PMI has developed a series of best practices which show what approaches, methodologies, or practices organisations have implemented to increase their organisation's maturity level. These best practices show how an organisation can improve its project management maturity or capability level.

For this week, complete the following Discussion Questions:

1. Analyse the key best practices which you believe the organisation can adopt to improve its project management maturity level.

2. Examine and describe the key elements of change management which you would use during an initiative to raise the project maturity level of an organisation.

Discuss which actions you feel did not benefit the organisation very much.

Reference no: EM13223240

Questions Cloud

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Determine what is the macrs-gds property class : A high-precision programmable router for shaping furniture components is purchased by Henderson for $190,000. It is expected to last 12 years. Calculate the depreciation deduction and book value for each year using MACRS-GDS allowances.
What is the book value at the end of the third year : Englehand purchases a slurry-based separator for the minning of clay that costs $700,000 and has an estimated useful life of 10 years, a MACRS-GDS property class of 7 years, and an estimated salvage value of $75,000 after 10 years.
Examine and describe the key elements of change management : Analyse the key best practices which you believe the organisation can adopt to improve its project management maturity level.
What price and quantity would give the monopolist : A monopolist sets price at $10 and sells 100 units. The corresponding marginal revenue is $5 and the marginal cost is $3. What recommendation regarding price and quantity would you give this monopolist
How to rank strategy pairs by aggregate payoff : In a two-player, one-shot simultaneous-move game each player can choose strategy A or strategy B. If both players choose strategy A, each earns a payoff of $500. If both players choose strategy B, each earns a payoff of $100.
Write an international mini-plan for a company : The choice of where to locate each of the functions that comprise the entire value-added chain, from research to production to after-sales servicing - Write an international mini-plan for a company that interests you
Compute a nominal gdp and a real gdp for each year : MILK- $1, 100 quarts. HONEY- $2 50 quarts. 2009: MILK- $1, 200 quarts. HONEY- $2, 100 quarts. 2010: MILK- $2, 200 quarts. HONEY- $4, 100 quarts. Compute a Nominal GDP and a Real GDP for each year using 2008 as the base year.


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