Examine an agency need, client or community problem

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Reference no: EM133251018

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Topic - racism.

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Examine an agency need, client or community problem, or social issue(RACISM). Refer to the definition of "Examine" in the Essay Terms Explained Study Guide.

Describe the population(s) affected by the need, problem, or social issue(AFRICAN-AMERICAN).

Describe the background of the need, problem, or social issue.

Analyze the need, problem, or social issue.

Evaluate the agency's role in addressing the need, problem, or social issue.The agency is Progressive Home Healthcare and Counseling Services

Apply relevant ethical standards, including integration of ethical and effective use of technology, and discuss how the standards apply to addressing an agency need, client or community problem, or social issue.Use the Internet to go to the National Association of Social Workers' (NASW) website and complete the following:Read the NASW Code of Ethics.

Apply leadership skills as social change agents by identifying how the agency should collaborate with stakeholders to advance social, economic, and environmental well-being.

Remember that your instructor will be providing feedback on your assignments. Use that feedback to improve the content of your Social Issues Proposal.

Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.

Cited resources: Minimum of three scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

Reference no: EM133251018

Questions Cloud

About possible smoke inhalation : You are concerned about possible smoke inhalation. What assessments would you complete and what findings would corroborate this concern?
Describe how a public health nurse analyzes : Describe how a public health nurse (PHN) analyzes and narrows a population down using various kind of information including social determinants of health
Pathophysiology information. : Support your answer with evidence and pathophysiology information.include apa 7 style reference no older than 5 years old.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cdsss : What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CDSSs? How is the use of CDSSs different from the use of smart technology
Examine an agency need, client or community problem : Examine an agency need, client or community problem, or social issue(RACISM). Refer to the definition of "Examine" in the Essay Terms Explained Study Guide
Decided to present to you for further treatment : The pain was an 8/10 despite these medicines so he took 1g paracetamol and decided to present to you for further treatment
Briefly identify the topic you selected autonomy : Briefly identify the topic you selected autonomy. Then, summarize the articles you selected, explaining the most salient ethical and legal issues related
How this constituency can impact the policymaking process : Address the issue as a nurse with the "Have a Little" political mindset. How this constituency can impact the policymaking process
Focuses on translational research : find a database, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research.



10/20/2022 11:34:09 PM

Follow the instructions on the document. The topic is racism. Go to the websites listed to provide information to assist in completing this assignment.

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