Reference no: EM13963671
Division of Health and Exercise Science
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students to the concept of the Mind/Body connection and the influence this connection has on health and well being. This course will examine the evidence that supports this connection as well as the various sources lending influence to this connection. We will examine and discuss the impact of both negative and positive emotions, attitudes, relationships, and behaviors on health. Many alternative approaches to wellness and treatment will be explored along with the theories and philosophy underlying these alternatives. Approaches to preventative care and wellness will be considered with regard to overall health benefit and techniques or methods promoted when deemed appropriate. Specific wellness factors to be examined include: diet and nutrition, benefits and influence of exercise, stress management, sleep and individual perspective and attitudes toward life.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student will:
1. Define what optimal health for each individual is, recognizing we are all different.
2. Explain four main components lending to health and maintenance of wellness or development of illness as they relate to an individual's response to stress.
3. Describe why social support, friendship and many relationships influence health.
4. Analyze supporting scientific evidence demonstrating physiologic relationships to attitude and emotional responses to situational stress.
5. Evaluate how attitudes and emotions can influence and affect immunity and disease, as well as make an in depth research examination of a specific health condition disease or illness and write a detailed paper of this process.
6. Examine alternatives to health and wellness and promote when appropriate.
7. Identify daily behavior/activity influencing health and apply helpful modifications lending influence or improvement when beneficial.
8. Integrate knowledge and principles into practical application by developing a lifestyle assessment program to assist in recommending perceived changes for case study assignment.
Required Text: HE 381 Mind/Body Health Book Packet at Werner Bookstore
Mind/Body Health
Please choose one of the following health conditions or responses to stress related issues, research it and report in detail in APA format using the paper template provide below. Cite peer reviewed reference sources from journals and incorporate all resources used including internet websites.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Allergies and Asthma related illness
Arthritis (Osteo and Rheumatoid)
Autoimmune Disorders
Back Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain
Common Cold
Dental Carries
Digestive Disorders
Hair, Skin and Scalp Problems
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Mental Health Disorders (Depression)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Pregnancy-Related Problems
Sexual Dysfunction
Be certain to address the following separate areas of influence to health:
1) Restoration/Rejuvenation - Sleep, Rest, Relaxation
2) Nutrition - Food , Air, Hydration, Supplementation
3) Activity - Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual
4) Emotional Awareness - How they affect our health
Paper Template -
The condition/issue, disease or illness you are examining/exploring. Why it is a concern to the individual and/or society and why it merits examination.
Literature Review:
Review what others have found and reported on prior (authors, researchers, practitioners). Minimum of three peer reviewed journal articles from academic databases and/or other credible resources.
What you have found related to topic from all sources. Will include personal experience, opinion and other findings from literature and research, possibly interviews or surveys.
What may be beneficial or necessary for individuals or society to do if they have concerns in this particular or related areas of health. This may include how modern Western approaches compare with ancient Eastern medicine alternatives and how they vary or parallel in terms of diagnosis and treatment.
Summary and Conclusion:
To bring more focus on what you believe to be a beneficial approach to dealing with problem. May be a combination of Eastern and Western ways. Please do not hesitate to speculate and make recommendations, especially with regards to lifestyle changes.