Examine a variety of sedona-area pages you find

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133468907

Discussion Post: Management Information System

Question I. Search Facebook for Sedona, Arizona. Examine a variety of Sedona-area pages you find. Using the knowledge of this chapter and your personal social media experience, evaluate these pages and list several positive and negative features of each. Make suggestions on ways they could be improved.

Question II. Repeat question I for another social media provider. As of this writing, possibilities include Twitter, Linkedln, and Pinterest, but choose another social me¬dia provider if you wish.

Question III. The purpose of a Chamber of Commerce is to foster a healthy business climate for all of the businesses in the community. Given that purpose, your answers to questions I and II, and the knowledge of this chapter, develop a set of 7 to 10 guidelines for local businesses to consider when developing their social media presence.

Question IV. Sedona has quite a number of potentially conflicting community groups. Explain three ways the Chamber of Commerce can use social media to help manage conflict so as to maintain a healthy business environment.

Question V. Examine Figure 8-5, and state how the focus of each of the primary value chain activities pertains to the Chamber of Commerce. If one does not pertain, explain why. In your answer, be clear about who the Chamber's customers are.

Question VI. Given your answer to question V and considering your responsibility to manage the Chamber's social media presences, state how each applicable row of Figure 8-5 guides the social media sites you will create.

Question VII. Using your answers to these questions. write a job description for yourself.

Question VIII. Write a two-paragraph summary of this exercise that you could use to demonstrate your knowledge of the role of social media in commerce in a future job interview.

Reference no: EM133468907

Questions Cloud

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