Reference no: EM132555355
Assignment: (3-6 pages)
Application: National, State, and Community Asset Mapping
It is essential to be aware of and develop relationships with crisis responding organizations and service agencies in your local area or community. National organizations partner with their local and state affiliates to provide direction and communication from outside the disaster area. When there is no national affiliate for a local organization, the national and state governments take on a greater role. Depending on the scope of a disaster, crisis response is not always a local endeavor. When a crisis affects communication, outside agencies become a vital link.
To prepare for this assignment:
• Review Chapters 4 and 5 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, paying particular attention to how crisis planning relates to the management process and how crisis management teams can be used to identify assets of and threats facing an organization.
• Review the Appendix in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, focusing on the sample items that make up a crisis plan.
• Review the article, "Mapping the Assets of Your Community: A Key Component for Building Local Capacity" and the PowerPoint presentation, "Uncovering Local Assets: The Foundation for Building Stronger Communities." Examine each type of potential community asset described and ways to uncover and map these assets.
• Review the article, "Five Years after Katrina: Progress Report on Recovery, Rebuilding and Renewal," to examine a crisis response for a state and region.
• Review the article, "Integrating Emergency and Disaster Planning." Think about how the disaster preparation proposed could be applied or adapted to your state.
• Then develop an asset map for your state and think about how and when you would use those responders, agencies, etc.
• Think about how the organization you currently work for or one with which you are familiar would collaborate with crisis-responding organizations in your state.
• Develop a state asset map for your location (or country if you live outside the U.S.).
• Analyze the importance of collaboration in crisis management and response, specific to the organizations in your asset map.
• Explain how the organization you currently work for (or one with which you are familiar) would collaborate with each of the organizations from this week's Discussion.
• Provide specific examples to illustrate your points.
Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, APA style, all references used within your assignment.