Evolutionary theory is widely accepted as a unifying theme

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13542231

Evolutionary theory is widely accepted as a unifying theme in biology. One of the arguments commonly used to refute evolutionary theory is that evolution has never been observed; however, evolutionary theory has been supported by a wide range of observations throughout the fields of genetics, anatomy, ecology, animal behavior, paleontology, and others.

Research this topic further and choose two specific examples (such as a specific example of antibiotic resistance, not just "antibiotic resistance") that support evolutionary theory to discuss. Use scientific evidence (not opinion) to back your information.

Reference no: EM13542231

Questions Cloud

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Evolutionary theory is widely accepted as a unifying theme : Evolutionary theory is widely accepted as a unifying theme in biology. One of the arguments commonly used to refute evolutionary theory is that evolution has never been observed; however, evolutionary theory has been supported by a wide range ..
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