Evolutionary algorithms for adversarial game playing

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Reference no: EM133014969


Evolutionary Algorithms for Adversarial Game Playing

The goal of this assignment is to appreciate the efficacy of Evolutionary Algorithms, specif- ically Genetic Algorithm (GA), in the context of game theory. You will be using the DEAP package for Genetic Algorithm in order to evolve strategies for repeatedly playing variants of The Tragedy of the Commons (TC). Basically, there is a group of farmers (herdsman) in a village, and there is a community grazing area ("Commons"). If the farmers limit the number of cows that each of them is allowed to graze in the Commons, everyone prospers. If a few farmers flout the convention, they benefit at some cost to others. But if too many farmers flout the convention, then everyone suffers due to over-grazing. This game is quite pertinent to the sustainability issue. It is interesting in this context to read the obituary,Eli- nor Ostrom: An uncommon woman for the commons, that Kenneth J Arrow and colleagues wrote for an unusual political scientist who received Nobel Prize in economics.

The Tragedy of the Commons is originally described by Hardin1 as follows:

As a rationale being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain. Explicitly or implic- itly, more or less consciously, he asks, "what is the utility to me of adding one more animal to my herd?" This utility has a negative and a positive component.

1. The positive component is a function of the increment of one animal. Since the herdsman receives all the proceeds from the sale of the additional animal, the positive utility is nearly +1.

2. The negative component is a function of the additional overgrazing created by one more animal. Since, however, the effects of overgrazing are shared by all [. . . ], the negative utility for any particular decision-making herdsman is only a fraction of 1.

Adding together the component particular utilities, the rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another; and another... But this is the conclusion reached by each and every rational herdsman sharing a commons. Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit - in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination towards which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all.

We will look at two very simplistic models of this imagined scenario. Both of them are two-player games.

In the first model (TC1), we assume a small grazing common land that can comfortably support two cows altogether, and each cow brings 5 units of utility to its owner. If one more cow is allowed to graze, the cows are not adequately fed, and the benefit from each cow reduces by 1. If instead two more cows are allowed in, the feed is fully inadequate for every cow because of overgrazing, and they bring zero benefit each to their owners. It is assumed that there is a tacit understanding between the two farmers that they will cooperate, that is, will allow in only one cow each.

Task Specification
The main issue is the representation of a strategy for playing a game like TC1 or TC2 as a bit string. Two papers are provided in the Assignment folder that will help you with this. You are recommended to start with the paper, an easy read, by Adnan Haider. You might want to also read the paper by Golbeck, if you find the topic interesting.

Although it is possible to represent players/strategies in very many different ways, for parity in marking, you are strongly advised to employ the following representation:

(a) Consider the Cryptocurrency Mining. You may want to readthis New Yorker articleabout the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining. Which of the two models of the Tragedy of the Commons, TC1 and TC2, is closer in spirit to this situation? Answer this question in no more than 50 words.
(b) Find all Dominant Strategy Equilibria, Nash Equilibria and Pareto Optimal Strategy Profiles for the game TC1.
(c) Find all Dominant Strategy Equilibria, Nash Equilibria and Pareto Optimal Strategy Profiles for the game TC2.
(d) Analyse the results you obtained in items1band1cabove. Describe any inter- esting difference not noted between them. Why did you find those differences interesting? Answer this question in no more than 50 words.
(e) Axelrod's tournaments of Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma show that that co-operation among players can emerge in a world of selfish agents. What do you ex- pect would happen if different strategies were to play Iterated TC1 (henceforth (ITC1) instead? What would you expect in the case of Iterated TC2 (henceforth (ITC2)? Explain your answer in no more than 50 words. Give particular at- tention to any difference in what you woudl expect in these two cases.

2.I MPLEMENTATION IN PYTHON [10 marks] (a)Implement the function:
payoff_to_player1(player1, player2, game):
returns payoff
Note: player2 is the adversary, and payoff is determined by latest moves obtained from respective appropriate memory locations and the payoff matrix for the relevant game (TC1 or TC2). Assume memory-depth of 2.

(b) Implement the function:
next_move(player1, player2, game, round): returns player1's move
Note: player1's next move is based on both the players' earlier moves and player1's strategy (encoded in player1's chromosome). The move to be returned can be C/D or 0/1 depending on your representation. Note that in early rounds some default moves are made. Assume memory-depth of 2.

(c) Implement the function:
process_move(player, move, memory_depth): returns success / failure
Note: player's relevant memory bits are updated based on its latest move
move and its memory depth.

(d) Implement the function:
score(player1, player2, m_depth, n_rounds, game): returns score to player1
Note: player1 iteratively plays the game game against player2 for n rounds
number of rounds, and its score is returned.

(e) You will be using the DEAP package for genetic evolution of strategies. As- sume a memory depth of 2.
i. Implement genetic evolution of strategies for playing ITC1.
ii. Modify the code you wrote as part of Task2(e)iabove so as to genetically evolve strategies for playing ITC2.

(a) What is the best ITC1-strategy that you generated in Task2(e)ivia GA? What parameters (fitness function, type of crossover, mutation rate, etc.) did you use, and why?
(b) Describe in English the behaviour of that ITC1-strategy (that you identified in Task3aabove). Does it align with the prediction you outlined in Task1e earlier? Explain in no more than 50 words.
(c) What is the best ITC2-strategy that you generated in Task2(e)iivia GA? What parameters (fitness function, type of crossover, mutation rate, etc.) did you use, and why?
(d) Describe in English the behaviour of the ITC2-strategy (that you identified in Task3cabove). Does it align with the prediction you outlined in Task1eear- lier? Explain in no more than 50 words.
(e) Take an appropriate sustainability issue, and outline in no more than 50 words the implications that your results have in that context.


Reference no: EM133014969

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