Evolution of sustainable development

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133548


(a) What is the sustainable development?

(b) Examine the principles of sustainable development.


(a) Sustainability implies application of strategies helpful in reducing ecological and environmental impacts of industrial activities. Clarify in detail five such key strategies.

(b) Examine four life cycle approaches to industrial ecology that assist in the attainment of sustainable development.


Assume that Big Cheese Company, which manufactures cheese and fall under the small to medium sized business category, hires you as a consultant to grow a sustainability strategy. Examine the steps, with examples, that you would employ to develop such a strategy.


A shift to clean, renewable energy technologies is significant to build a sustainable energy future. Examine different renewable-energy strategies for achieving sustainability, with the emphasis on small island developing states such as Mauritius.


Give a summary of sustainable development in Africa with particular reference to-

(a) Sustainable development challenges;

(b) Evolution of sustainable development;

(c) Environmental initiatives;

(d) Strategies for promoting sustainable development.


(a) What is the sustainable consumption?

(b) Specified an overview of following-

(i) Global drivers of consumption;

(ii) Global consumption patterns, trends and impacts;

(iii) Role of consumer in sustainable consumption;

(iv) Role of business in sustainable consumption.

Reference no: EM133548

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