Evidence for the hypothesis-hunting and agrarian traditions

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13160747

Answer the following questions;

1. List the evidence for the hypothesis that the Americas were settled by migrants from Asia.

3. Review the principal regions of the North American continent and the human adaptations that made social life possible in each of them.

6. What were the hunting and agrarian traditions? In what ways did the religious beliefs of indian peoples reflect their environmental adaptations?

7. What factors led to the organization of the Iroquois Five Nation Confederacy?

Reference no: EM13160747

Questions Cloud

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Trace the development of the system of slavery : Describe the process of acculturation  involved in becoming an African American . In what ways did slaves "Africanize" the South?
What were the principal causes of colonial violence : Compare and contrast William Penn's policy with respect to Indian tribes with the policies of other English settlers, in the Chesapeake and New England, and with the policies of the Spanish, the French, and the Dutch.
Define a frontier of inclusion : Discuss the roles played by the rising merchant class, the new monarchies, Renaissance humanism and the Reformation in the development of European colonialism.
Evidence for the hypothesis-hunting and agrarian traditions : Review the principal regions of the North American continent and the human adaptations that made social life possible in each of them.
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