Reference no: EM133465352
Evidence-Based Practice in CDS and Quality Improvement
Develop a 12- to 14-slide (total for all topics, plus reference slide/s) PowerPoint presentation in which you present research and data to support a clinical decision support (CDS) recommendation for quality improvement in your workplace.
TOPIC: Artificial intelligence
Select 1 article based specifically on the chosen topic: Artificial intelligence and its use in clinical decision support.
Find 4 additional articles focused on evidence-based practice in the improvement of clinical decision support.
Based on your research, address the following in your Powerpoint presentation:
Explain how theoretical models and the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom relate to evidence-based practice in clinical decision support. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain how the topic you selected (big data, machine learning, deep learning, cognitive science, or artificial intelligence) informs evidence-based practice in clinical decision support.
Explain how the topic you selected informs improved outcomes in nursing. Be specific and provide examples.
Synthesize your findings from your articles, focusing on applicable models and/or theories relevant to CDS, quality improvement in your workplace, and on applicable evidence-based practice in nursing.
Recommend clinical decision support or information to consider in clinical decision making. Be specific.
Justify your recommendation. Be specific and provide examples.
Recommend how you would address possible limitations or challenges, including:
Explain how you would avoid alert fatigue.
Explain under what conditions you would allow an override to an alert.
Explain how you would monitor compliance.
Identify factors that might contribute to continuous overrides.
Justify conditions under which an override may be necessary.
How can you accurately assess these type of patients
: How can you accurately assess these type of patients and what do you do if they ask for more pain medication?
Why is thermoregulation important
: Explain what is thermoregulation and Why is thermoregulation important
Create a negotiation planning guide for an organization
: Create a negotiation planning guide for an organization to implement. In your planning guide, you will explain the ten-step planning process.
What are the main communication issues in this team
: What are the main communication issues in this team (Green, Davis, McDonald) in considering their different work styles, personalities, and expectations?
Evidence-based practice in cds and quality improvement
: Explain how theoretical models and the concepts of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom relate to evidence-based practice in clinical decision support
Describe yourself as a brand or your brand
: Who is your audience, and what message do you hope your audience will take away from your design choices?
How would you ensure you receive accurate information
: You are the CEO of a company with four foreign subsidiaries. Your work schedule makes it nearly impossible to visit more than once per year.
What performance criteria will be used
: What performance criteria will be used? Include specific examples. - Discuss how Richard should strengthen the relationship with his supervisor, Jean.
Example of your use of code switching to manage
: Give an example of your use of code switching to manage your identity management in daily life.