Everyone should finish their four year degree

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM132599096


In this assignment, you must write a three page (three full pages) argumentative essay. Your essay must be typed, double spaced, and follow MLA formatting guidelines. For this essay, you will select a debatable topic related to education that has impacted you in some way. You cannot use the first person (I, me, we, our), however. For example, you might argue that :

"Everyone should finish their four year degree because of the extensive benefits."

Another example might be:
"Families should take advantage of Head Start because of the positive results in the lives of children."

Reference no: EM132599096

Questions Cloud

What is the energy crisis : What is the energy crisis? What can be done about Energy crisis? How do certain people feel about energy crisis?
Organizations prohibit workers : Some organizations prohibit workers from bringing certain kinds of devices into the workplace, such as cameras, cell phones, and USB drives.
Argumentative essay - families should take advantage : Write a three page argumentative essay - Families should take advantage of Head Start because of the positive results in the lives of childre
Determine citizens aptitudes and talents : Determine citizens' aptitudes and talents, Plato favored testing them while they are young. Is it possible to discover the best career for someone this way?
Everyone should finish their four year degree : Everyone should finish their four year degree because of the extensive benefits - select a debatable topic related to education that has impacted you in some
What is its speed at the instant it leaves the table : (a) How long is the ball in the air? (b) What is its speed at the instant it leaves the table?
What speed will they move after the collision : If the carts stick together after the collision, with what speed will they move after the collision?
Why is it important to give a satellite a horizontal : 1. Consider a satellite in a circular orbit around the Earth. a. Why is it important to give a satellite a horizontal speed when placing it in orbit?
Find the force needed to lift the mass : 1. A student lifts a 25 kg mass a vertical distance of 1.6 m in a time of 2.0 seconds.


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