Events leading to marbury v madison

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM1340025

1) Family and religion were the two major elements of the slave community. Describe the function each played in the community, and determine if either or both weakened or strengthened the institution of slavery. Thoroughly support your reasoning with specific details from the text.

2) Outline the events that led to Marbury v. Madison. What lasting consequences did this decision hold? Was it a win for Federalists or Democratic-Republicans and why?

3) Describe Andrew Jackson's war with the Second Bank of the United States. Be sure to include key people, events, and effects within your response.

4) What led to the emergence of an American middle class? How did the structure and nature of the family change with this emergence?

5) Using Oregon as a model, identify and thoroughly detail the three usual stages of frontier development.

6) Define and discuss and phrase "Manifest Destiny" Explain how this belief came to divide the nation.

7) What were the advantages and disadvantages of the North and South during the war? Be sure to address not only domestic factors but foreign policy as well. Ultimately, why did the North win?

8) Both Grant and Sherman pursued a new type of warfare. Explain the change in strategy these men employed. Note a battle or campaign in which each man used this new strategy. Finally, was this strategy effective? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM1340025

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