Events immediately preceding the turning point necessary

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Reference no: EM13174047

While history often appears to be a continuous stream of events and decisions, there are some that are so dramatic that historians sometimes call them "turning points." Sometimes the term "tipping points" is also used. These are the moments when the whole future of events hangs in the balance. 
There were several such turning points in this week's readings and discussions: the Buddhist riots of 1963, the coup d'etat against Diem in 1963, the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963, the attack on USS MADDOX in 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964, and the 1964 presidential elections. 
In a short paper of two pages double-spaced (maximum), take one of those turning points of your choice and write about it, answering these three questions: 

1. Why is your chosen turning point actually a turning point and not just another event? 

2. Why were the events immediately preceding the turning point necessary and essential in preparing for the turning point? 

3. What subsequent event or events were dependent on the action of the turning point; also, what possible event or events became impossible because the turning point occurred?

Reference no: EM13174047

Questions Cloud

Collected the amount due on the account recievable : Purchased inventory that cost $2,200 on account from Blue Co. under terms 1/10, n/30. The merchandise was delivered FOB shipping point. Freight costs of $110 were paid in cash.
What is the molar mass of the compound : A 35.0 g sample of a nonelectrolyte was dissolved is 680. g of water. The solution's freezing point was -2.80°C. What is the molar mass of the compound?
State equilibrium the pressure of nh3 : At equilibrium the pressure of NH3 (g) is 1.23 atm. NH4Cl (s) ---> NH3 (g) + HCl (g) Find the equilibrium constant Ka for the reaction
How many milligrams of the radioisotope are still active : If 110mg of fluorine-18, which has a half-life of 110min, is shipped at 8:00 a.m., how many milligrams of the radioisotope are still active if the sample arrives at the radiology laboratory at 1:30 p.m.?
Events immediately preceding the turning point necessary : Why were the events immediately preceding the turning point necessary and essential in preparing for the turning point? What subsequent event or events were dependent on the action of the turning point; also, what possible event or events became impo..
Keep money or enter into the market? : You have a 0.35 probaability that you can turn your current $15,000 into $50,000 and a 0.65 probability that fierce competition will drive you to ruin, losing all your money.
What is the bonds selling price : The day the bonds hit the market, the bond price is quoted at 100. What is the bond's selling price and how does the company record this sale in its accounting information system?
Leaders to be truthful with employees : How difficult do you think it is for leaders to be truthful with employees even when the information may not seem to be in their best interest?
State base required to reach the equivalence point : Consider the titration of a 22.0 -mL sample of 0.110 M HC2H3O2 with 0.130 M NaOH. Determine each of the following. A. The initial pH B. the volume of added base required to reach the equivalence point in mL


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