Reference no: EM133242318
Question: Students are to follow current events over the summer and get a head start on understanding how the U.S. government/political system operates. This summer there will be an abundance of news stories centered around the Congressional Midterm Elections, the ongoing war in Ukraine, economic difficulties stemming from inflation and the Covid-19 pandemic response and other global issues. Students will need to select a total of three news articles from three separate weeks over the summer, and wrlte a 1 single-spaced page reflection for each article using.
Students should look for articles from different sources that emphasize any ONE of the following constitutional principles/concepts from our first unit of study: Federalism, Popular Sovereignty, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, or Judicial Review.
The current events articles can focus on any of the following topics: Congress, the Supreme Court, President Biden, a government agency, state governments, foreign policy, domestic policy, homeland security, immigration, taxes, healthcare reform, education, judicial/cabinet appointments, economic policy, interest/lobbyist groups, political parties, and polls. (This is not an inclusive list.)
Each current events reflection MUST include:
A brief summary of the article.
The impact of this event on the US government and populace.
An evaluation of the consequences of this event (positive, negative or neutral).
A clear connection to AT LEAST 1 of the constitutional principles/concepts listed above.
An evaluation of bias, if any, in the article.
Students must clearly address each item above in their reflections. Students need to include a citation in Chicago Style format at the end of each reflection. Students must pay attention to the date of the article as the articles must be from three different weeks over the summer. (IE. 1 article from July 13, 1 article from July 29, and 1 article from August 12). Remember the goal of the summer assignment is to better understand how our governmental system operates, so keep that in mind when selecting articles. Visit the Cites The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Real Clear Politics, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Examiner, Fox News, Politico