Event logging of all of these operations

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131585933

The Requirements :

- Add help and documentation support to your app, so no other documentation is needed to run it.

- Implement three of these additional features in your TP-4 ( YOU CAN PICK ANY THREE)
o Set the Due Date for Copies being checked out
o Mark all Patrons with overdue Copies, attaching Holds
o Allow Fines to be paid by Patron to remove Holds
o Allow Holds to be created or removed by Worker
o Alert Worker when Patron with Hold is processed
o Event logging of all of these operations
o Any of your own ideas on how to improve functionality

More Explanation of The Requirements:

- Add help and documentation support to your app, so no other documentation is needed to run it.

I should be able to figure out how to run your app(s) without any external documentation. Thus, somehow provide the user with this info. Include any test copy and patron IDs that the user needs to run your application. You figure out how to do it, and add this to your app if it isn't there already. I don't want to read any paper documentation when running your code.

- Implement as many of these additional features in your TP-4 as you can (if you haven't already):

o Set the Due Date for Copies being checked out
o Mark all Patrons with overdue Copies, attaching Holds
o Allow Fines to be paid by Patron to remove Holds
o Allow Holds to be created or removed by Worker
o Alert Worker when Patron with Hold is processed
o Event logging of all of these operations
o Any of your own ideas on how to improve functionality

Feel free to implement new features, perhaps creating feature branches to support this on your GitHub repo.

Add as many features as time permits. Suggested but not required: create separate apps for circulation (InOutApp), managing holds and paying fines (HoldApp), selling books (SalesApp), and if you have time, browsing event logs (EventApp).

Attachment:- TP_3_new.zip

Reference no: EM131585933

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