Event booking program for event organizer

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Reference no: EM132423680

Program 1

The program you will be developing will be used by event organizer's staff who are promoting social gatherings. e.g. LAN Parties, Board Game Nights

The event organizer has a range of events. Customer can book a seat at an event, and if circumstances change they can remove their reservation at a later time, but not when it is less than 1 day before the event. The event organisers want you to make a program that can be used by their staff to store seat reservation information.

Following features need to be implemented in the program:

Basic Tasks

1. Create customer details - Name, Email, Reference Code (5 digit reference code that does not start with zeros (e.g. 10000 is the smallest acceptable value), Adult or Child

2. Reserve seat at an event - restriction is that customer can book only one seat for given event, they may however book seats at a different event

3. Once all seats at an event are booked, user should get a warning message - sorry, event is sold out

4. Customers can cancel their reservation, condition is, it must not be allowed less than 24 hours before an event

5. Show summary information about an event - number of seats booked, number of seats available

6. Information about customers and event bookings must persist

Advance Tasks

1. Allow user to create a new event
2. Full validation of all input

3. Ask user to choose file name and path to save the file (Assumption is that the directory/folder already exists)
4. Report on a customer's reservation I

Program 2

Your program will be used by the staff who work for an airline company, e.g. Qantas Airways.

The airline has a range of flights between various cities each day. Customers can book to fly on a flight, and if circumstances change they can cancel their booking at a later time, but not when it is less than 2 hours until the flight. The client want you to make a program that can be used to store the booking information, and the check-in information of the people on a flight.

The program should allow staff to:
1. Create customer details - Name, Address, 3 digit passenger code that does not start with zeros (e.g. 100 is the smallest acceptable value), whether the customer can only eat halal meat (e.g. Muslim passengers)

2. Customers should be able to book seats on a flight, only one seat on a flight per customer. They may however book a seat on a different flight.

3. Cancel a booking - only permitted 2 hours before the flight

4. Summary Information
a. The source and destination places.
b. The number of seats that are booked.
c. The number of seats that are available.
d. The number of passengers booked on the flight that need a halal meal.
S. Customer and flight information must persist Advanced Tasks

1. Create a new flight

2. Full validation of all input

Reference no: EM132423680

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