Evaluation team in order to meet sarbanes-oxley compliance

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13190253

Imagine that you work for a finance industry-based organization. Your organization is looking to submit its database design documentation to an evaluation team in order to meet Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) compliance. You have been assigned to assist in preparing the documentation of the organization's sales database. You are asked to propose a data dictionary that can be used to document the following:

  • Employee (EmpNumber, EmpFirstName, EmpLastName, CommissionRate, YrlySalary, DepartmentID, JobID)
  • Invoice (InvNumber, InvDate, EmpNumber, InvAmount, CustomerID)
  • InvoiceLine (InvLineNumber, InvNumber, ProductNumber, Quantity)
  • Product (ProductNumber, ProductDescription, ProductCost)
  • Department (DepartmentID, DepartmentDescription)
  • Job (JobID, JobDescription)
  • Customer (CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerPhone)

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Create a data dictionary that includes the following:
    1. A description of the content for each field
    2. The data type of each field
    3. The format the data will be stored as in the field
    4. The range of value for the field
    5. A label, as required, if the attribute is a primary key or foreign key

Reference no: EM13190253

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