Evaluation of the writing done by gen-ai should be

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Reference no: EM133601958


Read the Week 3 Background for the information necessary to complete this homework sheet. Ensure that you read each of the three Substack posts carefully.
(Re)read the Detailed Instructions for the Research Paper. Pay particular attention to the sections titled 'Structure of the Research Paper - Introduction' , 'Foundations of the Research Paper', and 'PSYC 1F90 Guidelines on Writing with Generative AI'
When completing this sheet, please write your answers in the boxes that follow each question. When you are done, submit both the homework sheet and the output of your 'conversation' with the AI to Brightspace.
Bring a copy of your answers with you to class (digital or paper
Your primary task this week is to use gen-AI (Chat-GPT or Bing) to create and evaluate a 5-6paragraph outline for the introduction to your research paper (1paragraph for the opening; 3-4 paragraphs for the literature review; 1 paragraph for the current study).

Evaluating Gen-AI's Writing

Your evaluation of the writing done by gen-AI should be based on how well the output generated by the AI fits the criteria outlined in the rubric for the research paper. If you haven't already looked carefully at those criteria, please do so now. You can access the rubric by going to the Assignments tab in Brightspace and clicking on the link for the research paper. If the rubric is not immediately visible, click on the arrow that says 'Show Rubrics'.

Collaborative Writing Part 1: Initial Prompt and Assessment

We're going to use the guidelines on collaborative writing (co-editing, in Mollick's terms) laid out in this week's readings to carry out two rounds of editing on the AI's work. As you write your paper, you may need more rounds of editing than we will do for this homework sheet. You should continue to issue additional prompts until you are satisfied that the work meets all of the criteria laid out in the rubric.

After opening up the AI, you should begin by cutting and pasting the prompt below into a new chat. Note that the reference to 6paragraphs conforms to how long we expect the introduction to be, and should include the opening, literature review, and current study sections that are described in the rubric. If you are not using gen-AI for this assignment, see alternate instructions below.

Generate an outline for a 6paragraph introduction to a research paper that investigated the following two research questions: 1. What are the two social media platforms that participants are using most often? 2. Is there a correlation between problematic social media use and fear of missing out? The outline should provide 1-2sentences for each paragraph, and these sentences should explain the main point of that paragraph.

Copy and paste the output you receive in response to this prompt in the second column (Outline Generated), and then, in your own words, provide an assessment/analysis of the outline in relation to the criteria on the rubric.

Your evaluation should go in the third column (Your Assessment), and it should include:

similarities and differences to the outline you generated for homework last week
things you thought were good, and conformed to the rubric
things you felt needed improvement, and needed additional work to conform to the rubric

Collaborative Writing Part: Iterative Prompting

Based on your assessment, write a second prompt intended to 'fix' one aspect of the initial output (you can elect just to work on one of the six paragraphs). Paste the prompt you generated and new output into the second row, and offer an assessment.

Reference no: EM133601958

Questions Cloud

Positive and negative syndrome scale : A provider in an integrate The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) is an example of which of the following?
Briefly discuss the major factors that should be : Briefly discuss the major factors that should be considered in interviewing rape victims. What is Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP)? What is Munchausen
Discuss the implication of this in terms of bowlbys thesis : Discuss the implication of this in terms of Bowlby's thesis that very young children's attachments are evolutionary acheivements and reflect an adaptation.
Why that certain civilization is the chosen civilization : The paragraph should explain at least three reasons as to why that certain civilization is the chosen civilization.
Evaluation of the writing done by gen-ai should be : Evaluation of the writing done by gen-AI should be based on how well the output generated by the AI fits the criteria outlined in the rubric for the research
Identify the sources and availability of relevant learning : Identify the sources and availability of relevant learning resources and learning materials in vocational education. Follow the following example.
Adult is experiencing alteration in bowel elimination : Select the findings that indicate this older adult is experiencing an alteration in bowel elimination.
What is the purpose of your proposed changed : What is the purpose of your proposed changed OR what is the need for a change? What evidence have you found during your literature search that you can
Provide a description of the argument that we are wire : Provide a description of the argument that we are wire for compassion, covering the evidence that we covered in class and modules.


Write a Review

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