Evaluation of the web site

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13187848

1) Web Site Functionality

The evaluation of the Web site will be made based on the extent to which the following criteria are satisfied:

i) The Web site gives all the information a person could reasonably require about the company before undertaking an e-Commerce transaction.
ii) The requirements to provide customer information are appropriate and there is good reassurance about the security and use of the information in the Web site.
iii) The Web site contains all the product information and search with shopping cart features, which a person would require before undertaking an e-Commerce transaction.
iv) The Web site allows all the customization of the product/price that a user could reasonably expect.
v) The Web site provides a good range of payment options that is possible for the business enterprise.
vi) The Web site provides a wide selection of delivery options, which are generally satisfactory, convenient and reassuring.
vii) There is a clear indication of a commitment to after-sales customer support service.
viii) The Web site should contain a database to store product information, customer information and other necessary e-Commerce transaction information.
ix) Overall the Web site is aesthetically pleasing.
x) Overall the site loaded quickly and operated without error, and it was extremely easy to navigate and to use.

2) Web Site Presentation (in lab)

Demo of the features of the Web site (each student presents their part)

Reference no: EM13187848

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Who is your target market : Who is your target market? Have you considered the accessibility of your site for people with a disability, such as sight impairment and an analysis of needs should include the business enterprise requirements as well as the customer demand.


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