Evaluation of the potential system users and stakeholders

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131486439 , Length: word count:2000

Group Project Report

The objective of this assignment is to consolidate learning and understanding of the materials presented within laboratories and lectures into a set of formal documents containing requirements specifications and models.

Overview of the task

You have come up with a detailed systems analysis for a 'Pothole Management System'. Consider that, your group is a team that is competing for a contract with the NSW Government.

The final outcome of your project is to write an effective systems analysis showing how the system would function and how the client can benefit from your proposed solution.


You will leverage the tools and techniques that you have learnt as a systems analyst to produce an analysis report. While it is important to infer correct understanding and elicitation of requirements and produce the appropriate documentation and modelling, the most important aspect of this assignment is your ability to communicate your ideas effectively and to work together as team.

Teams that are poorly managed will suffer as a result - likewise, individual team members who do not make a valid or proper contribution will be penalized.

Team members are free to decide what role they wish to choose out of the following roles:

  • The project/documentation manager
  • The project planner
  • Analyst(s) (Business/Systems)

After forming your teams, we recommend you set a regular meeting time. There are some very useful tools, such as Google Docs, that allow for collaborative editing of documentation. It is strongly recommend that Visio is used for your requirements specifications and diagrams. At the end of the assessment you are required to complete in a team nomination sheet - so that weighting of your mark is conducted according to your actual contribution.

Project - Pothole management system

You are to develop the system for the user by several groups (stakeholders) to report, track, and aid in the fixing of potholes. You are to model the whole system, the back end system is for councils and roads and maritime services (RMS). It should include analytics of occurrences, location hotspots (mapping?), and assist in workloads management. It should also include front end systems for the public to interface with and for the contractors to complete and retrieve information and work processes.

Part A - User evaluation report

The user evaluation report must identify the user groups that are stakeholders of the system, with a 'Stakeholder Analysis' performed on the different user groups. A list of interview questions for the different stakeholders also needs to be identified. In this report an initial System Vision Documents, WBS, and Gantt Chart of the systems analysis process must be created.

Part B - Progress check interview

The aim of the progress interview is to ensure that groups are on-track with relation to their project. Questions will be asked of students on their modelling to date. It is expected that groups are able to show their models using MS Visio in the labs. The progress interview should confirm that the progress is being made within the tolerances and provide early warnings of possible problems that may need actions.

Part C - System description and modelling

This report should include:

Project Plan

  • Chosen Software Development Methodology
  • Justification of Chosen Methodology
  • System Scope Document
  • Feasibility Study
  • Gantt Chart
  • WBS
  • System vision documents

Requirements Analysis (with explanations of the

  • Use Case Descriptions
  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Activity Diagrams
  • Domain Model Class Diagrams

Part A: User Evaluation Report -

Your group is to write a professional report outlining the evaluation of the potential system users and stakeholders to your client the 'NSW Government'. The overall aim is only to focus on the systems analysis stage of the project [you are not looking into design or development at this stage, or in this subject - consider that this is a process of identifying if the system is actually feasible and return the benefits that the government wants]. In the 'overview of the task' it states "the final outcome of your project is to write an effective systems analysis showing how the system would function and how the client can benefit from your proposed solution".

A professional report typically has the following structure:

  • Letter of transmittal
  • Frontispiece (contains the title, names of the producer[s] and recipient[s], source and date)
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • {Body Text} this is split up under different headings depending on the nature and content of the report
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Glossary
  • Appendices

So for your report in the {body text} section, I would be expected that you have headings like: Stakeholder Analysis (could include personas of users); Interview Questions [for each stakeholder groups]; WBS, System Vision Documents, Gantt Charts (remember that you are only focusing on the analysis phase of a project lifecycle).

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131486439

Questions Cloud

Explain what is a parametric machine learning algorithm : Explain what is a parametric machine learning algorithm and how is it different from a nonparametric machine learning algorithm.
Task in hiring initial lawyer for formation-structure issue : Discuss UCMBA's committee's task in hiring the initial lawyer for formation and structure issues.
West muskegon machining : He expects the general rate of inflation to be 2.5%. Should Wally proceed with this project?
Educational aspect of security information system : Educational Aspect of Security Information system security education has continued to be a challenging endeavor due to computer users not being motivated to learn how to maintain security
Evaluation of the potential system users and stakeholders : CSIT814 - Group Project Report. Your group is to write a professional report outlining the evaluation of the potential system users and stakeholders
Obtain your investment goals : Assume you must choose an investment that will help you obtain your investment goals. Rank the following investments from 1 (low) to 5 (high).
Describe use case dependency for making an account transfer : Describe (in a one to two page narrative) a use case dependency for making an account transfer. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.
Economic struggles during the industrial period : In what ways did Carbon energy play a vital role in shaping up political and economic struggles during the industrial period?
Monopsony marginal expenditure : 1) What is the monopsony's marginal expenditure (ME) curve? 2) What is the monopsony's marginal value (MV) curve?



5/6/2017 4:42:35 AM

Australian student, everything included in attachments and its simple work. PDF file.............mentioned wth name MAIN TOPIC is the main work, else are helping files. Need just Part A - User evaluation report of 2000 words. To see structure and then start to make. Note: It is expected that the report is created in a professional manner using the inbuilt features in word processors (e.g. MS Word) for creating headings, figures and captions, sections etc.


5/6/2017 4:42:28 AM

Please focus on main Topic pdf file and follow the another one as well…This assignment related to Pothole management system where we need to explain about the Stakeholders where constructors, builders, and client and other stakeholders can be explain. Interview and questionaries should be mention and Gantt chart should be include ( simple picture attached , don’t copy same) and WBS work breakdown structure that explains the schedule. I attached the image please have a look both images. System vision document. And follow the part A marking criteria as well.


5/6/2017 4:42:22 AM

All stakeholder groups identified and considered classification of their needs. Professional list of questions modified for different stakeholder groups. Appropriate mix of questions for an interview. Appropriate consideration for some groups to have a questionnaire over an interview. Document presented considers all aspects of the requirement. Detailed explanation of what the document is showing. Document presented considers all aspects of the requirement. Detailed explanation of what the document is showing. Thorough understanding of key concepts / issues and ability to explain how these relate to each other. Evaluate conflicting opinions and draw conclusions. Superior creativity and innovation showing that you have a comprehensive understanding of the problem of the client. Superior structure identifying a clear report structure with multiple levels of headings which so clear linking between sections.

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