Evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131902825

Roberto is a 65 year old retired man referred for evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings. He is diagnosed with Stage I Hypertension. He complains of headaches and nocturia. And recent weight gain.

He has diet controlled pre-diabetes. Family history of diabetes, hypertension and CVAs. He is a smoker (33 pack years), drinks 1-2 beers nightly, drinks 2 cups coffee in AM.

B/P 148/92 left arm, 150/90 right arm, apical 84, regular EKG & Chest x-ray: mild left ventricular hypertrophy

Labs: BUN 24

Serum creatinine: 1.5

Fasting Glucose: 95

Potassium: 4.0

Total cholesterol: 201

HDL: 30

Triglycerides: 167

Urine analysis: 1+ protein

List the following:

  1. Treatment goals
  2. Drug therapy to prescribe
  3. How success of therapy will be evaluated
  4. Patient education provided
  5. List 1-2 possible drug related adverse reactions that would cause you to change treatment
  6. Choice for second-line therapy
  7. Dietary & lifestyle changes
  8. Describe 1-2 drug-drug or drug-food interactions that could occur

Reference no: EM131902825

Questions Cloud

Determine what you believe to be the one root problem : The obvious problem or the problem stated by the characters in the case is often not a real problem or not the most basic problem.
Explain the steps in the strategic sourcing process : Explain the steps in the strategic sourcing process. How can a business best use its resources to achieve coordination in an entire supply chain network?
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis : Why are monoclonal antibodies against cytokines used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that is unresponsive to conventional therapy?
Identify a problem that affects populations : For this Assignment, you will identify a problem that affects populations that social workers serve. Some examples of social problems include poverty.
Evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings : Roberto is a 65 year old retired man referred for evaluation of recent high blood pressure readings. He is diagnosed with Stage I Hypertension.
Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution : Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution. Describe what specific OM concepts/tools can be applied to the problem and why they are appropriate.
Termination of neurotransmission : a) Describe the physiological mechanisms involved in the termination of neurotransmission.
Determine developmental age group and diversity factors : Identify any diversity factors (e.g., gender, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation) relevant to the topic and developmental age.
What would be your recommendations for him : What would be your recommendations for him? Please include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies as well as any pertinent education.


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