Reference no: EM132943852
Please answers these questions. No explanation needed.
1.What company did Jack Grubman of Citi write a positive evaluation of in order to obtain a favor from Sandy Weill?
a. Citi
b. WorldCom
c. Walmart
d. AT&T
2.What type of letter of recommendation did Gadams's receive from his first employer?
a. The employer disclosed that Gadams had molested children
b. The employer gave a glowing recommendation of Gadams and his ability
c. The employer refused to give any information except to disclose that Gadams had worked there
d. None of the above
3.You are at lunch when you notice one of your firm's delivery drivers sitting at the bar in the restaurant. The driver is having shots of tequila over the course of the lunch hour. He then returns to his truck in the parking lot and resumes deliveries. You:
a.Should stop the driver.
b.Should report the driver.
c.Should take the keys to the truck.
d.all of the above.
4.What happened at Gadams's first place of employment?
a. Nothing, he was an exemplary employee
b. He was accused of improper conduct with female students
c. He molested female students
d. None of the above
5.What conduct was Gadams involved in while at Golden Plains School?
a. Led a panty raid
b. Made sexual overtures to students
c. Made sexual remarks to students
d. b and c only
e. All of the above
6.You have witnessed one of your co-workers engaged in behavior that constitutes sexual harassment of one of the department secretaries. The secretary has spoken with you about the behavior and her concerns. She has also said, "Let me handle it." It seems that she is not able to handle it because the behavior has continued. You should:
a. Talk with her again.
b. Report the behavior.
c. Talk with your co-worker.
d. Any of the above
7.What is the current state of the law on asking about felony convictions on a job application?
a. It is prohibited under federal law
b. It is prohibited in about one-half of the states
c. It is prohibited in most state
d. None of the above
8.Which of the following influenced the behaviors of Cintas employees?
a. Per-piece goals
b. That managers ignored safety policies
c. That other plants ignored safety policies
d. All of the above
9.Which of the following is/are not beliefs of employees about performance evaluations?
a. That those higher up intervene in the evaluation process without actual knowledge of the individuals' performance
b. That they are used as a way to rid the company of slackers
c. That forced ranking systems are the best way to guarantee equity in performance evaluations
d. All of the above are employee beliefs about performance evaluations
10.As a result of the Welch divorce, what happened at GE?
a. GE was fined by the SEC for failure to disclose all of Mr. Welch's compensation
b. Nothing, GE was not affected by this personal matter
c. GE terminated Welch as a consultant
d. GE hired a lawyer for Welch
11.Who is Randi W.?
a. Assistant principal at a middle school
b. Principal at a middle school
c. Student who was molested by an assistant principal
d. None of the above
12.What motivated Sandy Weill's offer of a favor for Jack Grubman?
a. He wanted to be on the board at WorldCom
b. He wanted Grubman to issue a positive report on WorldCom
c. He wanted to oust his co-CEO
d. He wanted to oust C. Michael Armstrong
13.Which of the following was not a description of Ann Hopkins that appeared in the comments from the partners at Price Waterhouse?
a. "Strong character, independence and integrity"
b. "A stimulating conversationalist"
c. "Sometimes overly aggressive, unduly harsh, difficult to work with and impatient with staff"
d. All of the above were comments made by the partners
14.How did the information about Gadams's employment and letters of recommendation become known?
a. The guardian of a Livingston student filed suit against the school
b. Parents disclosed the information
c. The issues with Gadams were on file with his teaching certification
d. None of the above
15.Physician referrals of patients to laboratories for work-ups when the physicians own all or part of the labs, but do not disclose such, is a conflict of interest.
a. True
b. False
16.Mr. Zuckerberg boycotted Peter Thiel for his support of President Trump.
a. True
b. False
17.The reason Edward Snowden released documents was to prevent World War III.
a. True
b. False
18.No one in management above the trading floor was involved in getting perks from mutual funds.
a. True
b. False
19.Commercial bribery is only a crime for the purchasing agent accepting the money.
a. True
b. False
20.Giving preferential treatment in contract bidding to the daughter of a member of the company board is not a conflict of interest.
a. True
b. False
21.Walmart still retained the ad agency Ms. Roehm had selected for Walmart before her termination.
a. True
b. False
22.OSHA reportable injury figures are the same as injuries claimed under workers' compensation systems.
a. True
b. False
23.You are a building inspector for the county. A friend of yours is a plumbing contractor. Under county regulations, all steps in plumbing construction from the initial dig to the final installation of sink and bathroom fixtures requires an inspection sign-off. Your plumbing contractor friend has just called and wants to take you to dinner for your birthday at a five-star restaurant. Because you are friends anyway, the dinner presents no ethical problems.
a. True
b. False
24.The city employee who manages the finances for a football stadium that is a joint venture between the city and the football team can accept tickets, dinners, and team clothing items without raising conflicts issues.
a. True
b. False
25.What problems did Tylenol experience between 2010 and 2012?
a. A phantom recall
b. Shoddy manufacturing practices
c. A drop of 55% in Tylenol sales
d. All of the above