Evaluation at astro bank

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Reference no: EM13724700

Discussion 1: Evaluation at Astro Bank (Focused Discussion)

IS/IT project managers use evaluation processes to determine the success of a project. This kind of evaluation is not always a straightforward task. In this Discussion, you will determine evaluation criteria in an example project from a case study.

To complete this Discussion:

Question 1: Refer to the Astro Bank case study on p.138, Part two: Project planning as well as discussion under section ‘How do you keep team members?' on page 137 of the Lientz text, Information Technology Project Management. Identify and critically analyse the criteria the company should use in evaluating the success of the integrated system (formed by the new IS/IT system and the legacy system).

Question 2: Three (3) Point you would put forward in a Focus debate relating to this topic giving prior experience /views extend the discussion into new but relevant areas also.

Discussion 2: The balanced scorecard (Focused Discussion)

Project managers can use one of several approaches to measuring the quality and success of an IS/IT project. For example, balanced scorecards are a simple and effective way of gauging the level of user adoption and success of an IS/IT project. In this Discussion, you will explore how using a balanced scorecard could improve the project performance of an example project in a case study.

To complete this Discussion:

Question 1: The Week 8 Lecture Notes draw attention to the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that can translate an organisation's vision and strategy (as shown in Figure 2 of the Lecture Notes). Explain how you could apply them to improve the IS/IT project performance of the Astro Bank case study on p.138, Part two: Project planning, considering also discussion under section ‘How do you keep team members?' of the Lientz text, Information Technology Project Management.

Question 2: Three (3) Point you would put forward in a Focus debate relating to this topic extend the discussion into new but relevant areas also.

Reference no: EM13724700

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Evaluation at astro bank : Project planning as well as discussion under section ‘How do you keep team members?' on page 137 of the Lientz text, Information Technology Project Management. Identify and critically analyse the criteria the company should use in evaluating the s..
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