Evaluating the roles played by tourism destination

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13524102

You should prepare a report evaluating the roles played by tourism destination stakeholders or destination management organisations (DMOs) in managing a competitive and sustainable destination. Your report should discuss and critically analyse the stakeholders or DMOs' roles and contributions in a selected international or national destination. You must refer to books, conference proceedings and academic journal articles (last six years) for your literature review and include the following points:

Introduction about the destination

A brief destination's tourism profile (not more than two paragraphs)

Identification of the stakeholders or DMOs and their roles, supported with relevant literature

Analysis and discussion about the stakeholders/DMOs' activities and contributions to the e fective and syanable management of the destination

Review and evaluation of the stakeholders/RMOs' overall performance and its relationship to the current tourism issues and challenges

Conclusion and recommendations

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Reference no: EM13524102

Questions Cloud

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Explain the flask was then shaken until the solution : The flask was then shaken until the solution was uniform. A 60.0- sample of this glucose solution was diluted to 0.500 . How many grams of glucose are in 100. of the final solution
Evaluate the partial pressure of each gas in the container : the total pressure in the container is 3.60 atm. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas in the container.
What is the net charge inside the cube : A cube has one corner at the origin and the opposite corner at the point . The sides of the cube are parallel to the coordinate planes. What is the net charge inside the cube
Evaluating the roles played by tourism destination : Prepare a report evaluating the roles played by tourism destination stakeholders or destination management organisations
Calculate the time it takes for the ball to fall from rest : A wrecking ball is hanging at rest from a crane when suddenly the cable breaks, Find the time it takes for the ball to fall from rest all the way to the ground
Evaluate the volume of the tank and the uncertainty : The results of four replicate measurements were 5.4, 5.2, 5.5, and 5.2 m. Measurements were also made of the height of the tank, yielding 9.9, 9.8, and 9.6 m. Calculate the volume of the tank and the uncertainty in that volume.
Find its position at the first and second instants : The position of the front bumper of a test car under microprocessor control is given by x(t) = 2.07 m + (4.50 m/s2)t2 - (0.100 m/s6)t6. Find its position at the first and second instants when the car has zero velocity
State correctly balanced equation is equal to what number : Balance the following redox equation in acidic solution: As + ClO3- => H3AsO3 + HClO. The sum of the coefficients of all reactants and products in the correctly balanced equation is equal to what number


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