Reference no: EM133199070 , Length: 3 pages
Question: Evaluating the effectiveness of a marketing plan is an important aspect of your job as the chief marketing officer at SGMS. You have worked hard on organizing the marketing department for the SGMS facility.
It is now time to put the plan together and communicate it to your primary and secondary target. Respond to the following: What are omnichannels, and how are they used to increase market awareness? What are the 3 elements of the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy?
What is the AIDA model, and how would you use it to increase market awareness among the aging population? What are some tools that you would use to evaluate a marketing strategy? Outline the steps in a marketing plan, and show the stages where planning, implementation, marketing, and control phases are done.
Deliverable Requirements Prepare a 3-page paper to address the questions above, and submit to your instructor for grading. Cite at least 5 sources in APA format.
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following: Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
Length: 3 pages minimum Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third person. Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt.