Evaluating security protocols and mechanisms

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132344757

Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyse key security requirements and trends in a networking for acquiring, converting, transmitting, storing, managing and analysing data, information and knowledge.

4. Demonstrate critical analysis skills for evaluating security protocols and mechanisms


This assignment needs to be completed as an individual, and will extend beyond just the writing of an assignment, to also undertaking peer marking to facilitate learning about multiple topics.

Topic - Blockchain is a radical technology

Once we have read the available topics, our next step is to login to the peer assessment tool which will be available at the start of week 2 and select the topic. There will be limited numbers in each topic to ensure a spread of topics across the class. But, once you have selected a topic, and have selected it on, it is time to get busy working on the assignment. It is vital to official select the topic before you write it.

This is a research assignment, and as such you are expected to read a range of content on your topic, and distil it down to your thoughts on the topic. This means putting content into your own words and citing where content has come from. A range of different sources are expected, including academic sources. Most academic sources will likely be peer-reviewed articles that have been published in Journals or Conferences, although other sources are permitted (such as books, and government / standards bodies documents). All source material must be cited and then be listed in a references section at the end of the assignment. Correctly citing and referencing the content you have used makes up a significant part of your final mark.

You are required to use the Harvard referencing style.

This assignment is to be 2000 words approximately in length, but not including the reference list. It may contain diagrams and figures.

Verified Expert

In the current assignment, the block-chain has been associated with its radical innovation nature as technology.The various data security that can be achieved through block-chain has been discussed.The significance of block-chain in cyber security has been elaborated as well.

Reference no: EM132344757

Questions Cloud

Summarize steps required to mitigate all future occurrences : Summarize the steps required to mitigate all future occurrences of this type of attack, including how to verify that the vulnerability has been rectified.
Analyze the organization institutional environment : Analyze the organization's institutional environment. You will need to think through the different actors and institutions that might influence the organization
Contrast symmetric from asymmetric cryptography : Differentiate block ciphers from stream ciphers and contrast symmetric from asymmetric cryptography. Illustrate with examples. (
How the scientific study of social psychology is conducted : Describe what you learned about how the scientific study of social psychology is conducted. Identify the skills or abilities involved in this assignment
Evaluating security protocols and mechanisms : KIT111 - Data Networks and Security - University of Tasmania - analyse key security requirements and trends in a networking for acquiring, converting
Conduct a literature review on enterprise risk management : Conduct a literature review on enterprise risk management and challenges faced by the organization using and developing risk management frameworks.
What would be a good plan to reduce average levels : What would be a good plan to reduce average levels of disease and disability but can also reduce gaps based on gender, race, and social class.
Explain how each of the three sociological paradigms : 1) Explain how each of the three sociological paradigms views gender. Provide an example for each.
Investigating the career of academic or advanced researcher : Investigating the Career of an Academic or Advanced Researcher. For this week's research paper, let's start using your logistical skills in the South University


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