Evaluating disparate impact and employee selection

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131932878

Assignment: Introduction to Employee Selection and Assessment

Note: There are 6 pages total to refer to for this first assignment. Make sure to read all 6 pages in this document.

You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller. The following pages describes more details on KSAOs, pay statistics and desired factors for the candidate to possess.

For this first assignment there are three main tasks you need to complete:

Assignment 1: Part A Employee Selection Exercise
Assignment 1: Part B Operationalizing Your Assessment
Assignment 1: Part C Apply Your Assessment Systems

All three tasks should be included in one paper 3 to 5 pages in length, double spaced, use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. Include a cover page and a reference page.

ASSIGNMENT ONE : Employee Selection and Assessment

For this exercise, assume you are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. The following is a partial job description and specification for the bank teller position, based on information obtained from O*Net. O*Net, or the Occupational Information Network Resource Center, is an online database containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation specific descriptors.

Bank Teller Tasks/Duties/Responsibilities
- Cash checks for customers after verification of signatures and sufficient funds in the account.
- Receive checks and cash for deposit.
- Examine checks for endorsements and verify other information such as dates, bank names and identification.
- Enter customers' transactions into computers to record transactions.
- Count currency, coins and checks received to prepare them for deposit.
- Identify transaction mistakes when debits and credits do not balance.
- Balance currency, coins and checks in cash drawers at ends of shifts.

- Customer service skills.
- Basic math skills.
- Knowledge of verification requirements for checks.
- Ability to verify signatures and proper identification of customers.
- Ability to use accounting software.
- High school diploma required, associate's or bachelor's degree preferred.
- Previous work experience as a teller or related occupation (cashier, billing clerk) desired.

Key statistics (from O*Net):
- The median 2005 wage for tellers was $10.24 (hourly), $21,300 (annually).
- In 2004, there were approximately 558,000 tellers in the United States.
- Projected growth for this job is slower than average.

Based on this information, the bank decides that the ideal candidate for this position will possess the following factors:

1. Have at least a high school education (bachelor's or associate's degree desirable).
2. Have experience as a teller or in a related field (cashier, billing clerk).
3. Be able to perform basic math skills related to banking (for example, count currency quickly and accurately and balance a cash drawer correctly).
4. Be knowledgeable of verification requirements for bank transactions (for example, errors in checks and proper identification to authorize transactions).
5. Have good interpersonal skills (for example, speak clearly, make good eye contact and develop rapport easily).
6. Be motivated to work.

Assignment 1: Part A

Employee Selection Exercise
[A] Choose the selection methods: Identify which selection method (e.g., résumé, interview, test, role-play exercise, reference check or personality inventory) you would recommend for each of the six factors listed above. You can use the same selection method more than once if you believe it is appropriate for more than one factor. Below is an example of how you might justify using an application form as an appropriate selection method for education.

1. Education - selection method:

2. Work experience - selection method:

3. Math skills - selection method:

4. Verification knowledge - selection method:

5. Interpersonal skills - selection method:

6. Work motivation - selection method:

Assignment 1: Part B Operationalizing Your Assessment

[B] Operationalize your assessments: Now that you have identified selection methods for the six factors, you must decide how to score each of these assessments. Based on your responses in part A ("Choose the selection methods"), think about how each factor may be scored and develop a point system for that factor.

A common approach to performing this task is to have some type of numerical rating system that may include one or two minimum requirements. Your task is to develop a rubric (point system) to "score" applicants for each of the six factors. In developing your rubric, review the job description information. The "education" factor is provided for you below as an example. Remember that tellers need to have a high school diploma, according to the job specification. Applicants who do not meet this requirement are rejected. College degrees are preferred and receive more points in the example below.

1. Education

2. Work experience

3. Math skills

4. Verification knowledge

5. Interpersonal skills

6. Work motivation

Assignment 1: Part C Apply Your Assessment Systems

(C) Apply your assessment systems: Listed below are applicants for the teller position. Based on your answers in part B ("Operationalize your assessments"), score each of the applicants.

(a) Which applicants scored best based on the scores you entered into the table?

(b) What difficulties did you have applying your scoring system?

(c) Based on this applicant data, would you make any changes to your rubrics? If yes, please describe.

Assignment 2: Selection Strategy and Weighted Compensatory Approach

Note: There are 4 pages total to refer to for this first assignment. Make sure to read all 4 pages in this document.

You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller. At this point you have completed Assignment 1 to support the bank in the way it hires Bank Tellers. Now you are moving to Assignment 2.

For this second assignment there are two main tasks you need to complete:
- Assignment 2: Part A Selection Strategy
- Assignment 2: Part B Weighted Compensatory Approach

Both tasks should be included in one document 2 to 5 pages in length, double spaced, use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. Include a cover page and a reference page.

Assignment 2: Part A Selection Strategy

ASSIGNMENT TWO Selection Strategy

Now that you have created a system to assess applicants on the six key factors, you must decide how to process this information. Employee selection systems have multiple assessments, and organizations must decide how to integrate them.

Based on your first assignment:

1. Who scored the highest?

2. Do you think this person is the best applicant? Why or why not?

3. Who scored the lowest?

Assignment 2: Part B Weighted Compensatory Approach

You have just completed an unweighted compensatory approach to employee selection. The other option is a weighted compensatory approach. In this approach, one or two factors are identified as more important than the other factors and, hence, deserve more weight in deciding the best applicant. Additionally, one or two factors may be considered least important and would have less weight.

To try this out, answer the following questions:

1. Which of the six factors do you consider the most important in terms of selecting bank tellers? Defend your choice.

2. Based on your answer to the first question, double the points for the four applicants for this factor. Record the answers in the table below.

3. Of the remaining five factors, which two do you see as least important for selecting bank tellers? Defend these choices.

4. Based on your answer to question 3, divide the points in half for the four applicants for these two factors.

5. For the three factors not mentioned in questions 1 and 3, copy the scores from the previous table into the table below. Total the scores for the four applicants.

1. Now who scored the highest?

2. Do you think this person is the best applicant? Why or why not?

3. Who scored the lowest?

4. When you compare your answers using the unweighted to the weighted approach, which approach do you think was better? Why?

Assignment 3: Evaluating Disparate Impact and Employee Selection

Note: There are 4 pages total to refer to for this first assignment. Make sure to read all 4 pages in this document.

You are employed as an HR consultant for a mid-sized bank. The bank employs 200 tellers across its branches. You need to recommend to the bank what to consider when hiring for the position of Bank Teller. At this point you have completed Assignment 2 and you have created a selection system for the job of a Bank Teller. Now you are moving to Assignment 3 to verify the selection system works properly.

For this second assignment there are two main tasks you need to complete:
- Assignment 3: Part A Evaluating Disparate Impact Discrimination
- Assignment 3: Part B Reflection on Employee Selection

Both tasks should be included in one document 2 to 5 pages in length, double spaced, use tables when needed, and use APA format for referencing and citing. Include a cover page and a reference page.

Assignment 3: Part A Evaluating Disparate Impact Discrimination
Evaluating the Selection System
You have now created a selection system for the job of a teller.

The final step in a selection system is to make sure the system works properly.

As discussed in the overview, there are two ways to ensure that the system is working. One approach takes a legal perspective to ensure that organizations do not discriminate in hiring.

There are two types of discrimination: disparate treatment and disparate impact (also known as adverse impact). Disparate treatment discrimination refers to treating applicants differently based on a protected characteristic (for example, age, sex, national origin, religion). An example of disparate treatment discrimination is not considering women for leadership positions. This type of discrimination is considered intentional and therefore easy to identify and correct or prevent.

Disparate impact discrimination is considered unintentional. This form of discrimination indicates that all applicants were treated equally; however, this equal treatment had an unequal effect related to a protected characteristic. The most common approach to identify adverse impact is to apply the four-fifths rule. The fourfifths rule states that adverse impact exists if the selection ratio of the minority group is less than four-fifths (or 80 percent) of the selection ratio of the majority group. A selection ratio is the percentage of those hired based on the percentage of those who applied for the job. Selection ratios must be calculated for each protected group. The selection ratio of the minority group is compared with the selection ratio of the majority group (often "males" or "Caucasians"). The simplest way to calculate adverse impact is to divide the selection ratio of the minority group by the selection ratio of the majority group. If the result is less than 80%, then adverse impact exists.

1. The selection ratios for the three groups are:
Caucasians = African-Americans = Latinos =

2. Does adverse impact exist when you compare the African-American applicant pool with the Caucasian applicant pool? Show your work.

3. Does adverse impact exist when you compare the Latino applicant pool with the Caucasian applicant pool? Show your work.

Assignment 3: Part B Reflection on Employee Selection

ASSIGNMENT 3: Reflection on Employee Selection

1. You have made a number of decisions in creating, implementing and evaluating a selection system for bank tellers. Which of these decisions do you think is most critical? Why?

2. An employee selection approach to hiring is more complex than hiring employees based on who they know or casually scanning a résumé and asking a few "off the cuff" questions for an interview. When you think about your work experiences, do you think the organizations you worked for took an employee selection approach when hiring?

3. If you answered yes to question 2, do you think the organization was effective in hiring employees? If you answered no to question 2, do you think the organization should have adopted a selection approach to hiring?Explain your response.

4. What do you perceive as the overall advantages and disadvantages of an employee selection approach to hiring?

5. Based on this exercise, would you recommend an employee selection process to hiring for virtually any job? Why or why not?

6. Describe the components of an employee selection process in order to reflect on the fundamental aspects of employee selection your learned from completing Major Assignments 1, 2 and 3. The answer to question 6 should be 2-3 pages long in order to be complete and thorough.

Attachment:- Assignments.rar

Verified Expert

Assignment 1 has focused on Introduction to the selection & the assessment of the employees. Assignment 2 has made discussion on the Strategies for Selection & Approach for Weighted Compensatory Lastly Assignment 3 has made Evaluation on Employee Selection and Impact of Disparate. This is done in Microsoft office word

Reference no: EM131932878

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4/7/2018 6:05:30 AM

APA Guidelines for in-text citations and References The paper correctly cites in- text and lists at least three resources on the References page. If additional sources are used, they are included correctly. The majority of in- text citations and the reference are properly cited; formatting is inconsistent/inaccur ate in a few cases. References are cited but incorrectly under APA style. The student has either used another format or incorrectly applied the APA style guidelines. Inconsistent or missing in-text citations; fails to attribute an author’s word through APA citations. Completely missing or incorrect. Overall Score Grade A 22.5 or more Grade B 20 or more Grade C 17.5 or more Grade D 15 or more Grade F 0 or more


4/7/2018 6:05:20 AM

Part B Reflection on Employee Selection Q6 All components of an employee selection process are thoroughly explained. All components of an employee selection process are explained, yet not in detail. One or more component s are missing or unclear. Two or more component s are missing or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect. Writing Mechanics Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including, but not limited to capitalization and punctuation and spelling. No errors found. No jargon used. Adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. One to three errors found. Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over three errors found. Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over ten errors found. Completely missing or incorrect.


4/7/2018 6:05:11 AM

Criteria Grade A 5 points Grade B 4.25 points Grade C 3.75 points Grade D 3.25 points Grade F- 0 points Part A Evaluating Disparate Impact Discrimination All answers are correct with a thorough explanation. All answers are correct with a limited explanation. One or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect. Part B Reflection on Employee Selection Q 1-5 All answers are correct with a thorough explanation. All answers are correct with a limited explanation. One or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect.


4/7/2018 6:04:50 AM

APA Guidelines for in-text citations and References The paper correctly cites in- text and lists at least three resources on the References page. If additional sources are used, they are included correctly. The majority of in- text citations and the reference are properly cited; formatting is inconsistent/inaccur ate in a few cases. References are cited but incorrectly under APA style. The student has either used another format or incorrectly applied the APA style guidelines. Inconsistent or missing in-text citations; fails to attribute an author’s word through APA citations. Completely missing or incorrect. Overall Score Grade A 22.5 or more Grade B 20 or more Grade C 17.5 or more Grade D 15 or more Grade F 0 or more


4/7/2018 6:04:42 AM

Part C Operationalizin g Your Assessment Q4- 5 All answers are correct with a thorough explanation. All answers are correct with a limited explanation. One or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect. Writing Mechanics Strictly adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including, but not limited to capitalization and punctuation and spelling. No errors found. No jargon used. Adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. One to three errors found. Minimally adheres to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over three errors found. Does not adhere to standard usage rules of mechanics: Conventions of written English, including capitalization and punctuation and spelling. Over ten errors found. Completely missing or incorrect.


4/7/2018 6:04:34 AM

Criteria Grade A 5 points Grade B 4.25 points Grade C 3.75 points Grade D 3.25 points Grade F- 0 points Part A Selection Strategy All answers are correct with a thorough explanation. All answers are correct with a limited explanation. One or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect. Part B Operationalizin g Your Assessment Q1- 3 All answers are correct with a thorough explanation. All answers are correct with a limited explanation. One or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Two or more answers are incorrect or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect.


4/7/2018 6:02:34 AM

Criteria Grade A 5 points Grade B 4.25 points Grade C 3.75 points Grade D 3.25 points Grade F- 0 points Part A Employee Selection Exercise Completed all 6 selection method justifications. The answers showed a thorough understanding of selection methods. Completed all 6 selection method justifications. The answers showed a limited understanding of selection methods. One or more selection method justifications are incomplete or unclear. Two or more selection method justifications are incomplete or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect. Part B Operationa lizing Your Assessmen t Completed all five assessments accurately. The answers showed a thorough understanding of rating assessment factors. Completed all five assessments accurately. The answers showed a limited understanding of rating assessment factors. One or more assessments are incomplete or unclear. Two or more assessments are incomplete or unclear. Completely missing or incorrect.


4/7/2018 6:02:01 AM

Even if a selection process treats applicants equally, a discrimination lawsuit may still result if the equal treatment had an unequal effect on a particular protected class. An adverse impact analysis can be conducted to determine if the selection system has an unequal effect based on a protected class of applicants. The selection system can also be evaluated to assess its predictive accuracy for job success or decision-making accuracy. Even if the selection system is working properly in terms of nondiscrimination, it does not make sense for an organization to use a hiring approach that is not effective at predicting successful employees. In this exercise, you will have an opportunity to conduct both of these evaluation approaches.


4/7/2018 6:01:50 AM

3. Create an Implementation Schedule Once the selection criterion and methods are decided, an implementation schedule must be created. An implementation schedule determines the order in which selection methods are administered. After the schedule is determined, selection methods are applied to the applicant pool. As a result, some applicants will no longer be considered for the opening. In addition, a scoring system may be used to identify the strongest candidates. At the end of the selection process, the “best” applicant is selected and offered the job. 4. Assess the Effectiveness of the Selection System Once the top applicant accepts the job, the selection process itself is complete. It is recommended, however, that the process be evaluated from time to time to ensure its effectiveness. When evaluating the selection system, two approaches can be used: an adverse impact analysis and/or a study to assess decision-making accuracy.


4/7/2018 6:01:38 AM

1. Review and Revise the Job Description The first step to establish an employee selection process is to review and possibly revise the job description for the position. An accurate job description contains a job specification section, which includes the knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (e.g., college degree, driver’s license, relevant work experience), or KSAOs, needed for the job incumbent. 2. Choose the Appropriate Selection Methods After identifying the significant KSAOs, the next step is to choose the selection methods. Selection methods may include an employment interview, a personality inventory, submission of a résumé, etc. These selection methods are used to assess the identified KSAOs.


4/7/2018 6:01:29 AM

Many people without a background in human resource management mistakenly equate hiring with employee selection. Hiring is a broad concept that can take several approaches, such as offering a job to someone because of who he/she knows (e.g., my dad is the boss, so I got the job) or taking the first person who walks through the door to a get a “body” on the sales floor as soon as possible. Employee selection is a formal process in which the organization (1) identifies the tasks, duties and responsibilities (TDRs) associated with the job; (2) assesses applicants’ readiness to successfully perform these TDRs; and (3) offers the job to the most qualified applicant for the position. Organizations that adopt an employee selection approach to hiring must make a series of decisions to develop an effective process that identifies the most-qualified applicant.

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