Evaluating design options for urban roads

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM133021855

Workplace scenario and job specifications:

You are working as an urban designer in a civil construction company. Your company has received a project to design and prepare urban roads.

The organisation has provided you with access to the following documents:

• drawings

• specifications

• design briefs

• engineering surveys

• geotechnical information

• hydrological, meteorological, cultural and heritage data

• test results of construction materials for urban roads

• data for selecting design options for urban roads

The organisation wants you to applying civil design techniques, including the following, to prepare detailed designs of urban roads:

• computer-aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology

• engineering graphical presentation techniques

Workplace requirements

Further, the training organisation must ensure the construction site must meet the requirements given in the table below.

The training organisation must ensure that the civil construction sites prepare detailed designs of urban roads on at least two (2) occasions. The work includes:

• Carrying out risk assessments
• Evaluating design options for urban roads
• Interpreting and analysing data and performing calculations to determine the design of the urban roads.
• Preparing design plans for urban roads
• Preparing cost estimates
• Obtaining design approval
• Participating in performance reviews of design processes
• Providing clarification and advice to personnel implementing the design
• Maintaining design and cost records
• Validating designs.

Activity 1: Plan and prepare for the detailed design of urban roads
This activity requires you to plan and prepare for the detailed design of urban roads. To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 1' provided.

• Document the outcomes using Template 1 - Template 3.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once completed.

Step 1: Access and interpret urban road design documentation and ensure the work activity is compliant

• Access the following road design documentation:

o Known and potential hazards, constraints and conditions
o Cultural and heritage data
o Geological data
o Geotechnical data
o Hydrological data
o Survey data
o Meteorological data
• Consult with the Supervisor and team members and ensure the work activity is compliant.

• Conduct risk assessments of the existing and potential hazards considering the urban road design documentation.

o Evaluate the layout of the roads and determine five (5) risks associated with the following:

• pavement

• surface treatment

• traffic signals

• sub-surface drainage
• traffic management systems

• underground services

• civil structures

• lighting

• environmental controls

• landscaping

o Calculate risk rating.

o Determine and document risk controls for each risk identified and document using Template 1

• Further, document the following using Template 2.

o Documents reviewed

o Checks conducted to check compliance with the work activity.

o Outcomes of the checks conducted.
Step 2: Obtain, read, interpret, clarify and confirm work requirements.

• Consult your Supervisor and obtain work requirements for the design of urban roads.

• Read the work requirements.

• Consult relevant authorities and interpret work requirements.

• Clarify and confirm project work requirements and information with relevant authorities.
Step 3: Prepare a design plan using Template 3, which makes the best use of the available resources and meets the design requirements. Include the following information in the design plan:

• Human resource requirements

• Design hardware and software

• Coordination requirements

• Scheduling

• Review requirements

• Design process communication and reporting requirements

Activity 2: Prepare detailed designs of urban roads
This activity requires you to prepare detailed design of urban roads To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 2' provided.

• Document the outcomes using Template 4 - Template 6

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once completed.

Step 1: Interpret the following data to the team members from the documentation accessed and analyse data in collaboration with them:

• Areas

• Volumes

• Flow rates

• Capacities

• Densities

• Mass

• Percentages

• Grades

• Capacity requirements for urban roads

• Sizes of component for urban roads

• Cross-section

• Horizontal alignment

• Vertical alignment

• Tie-In sections and blend areas

• Passing/overtaking lanes

• Intersections, Roundabouts and Interchanges

• High Wide Loads
• Bus Facilities

• Pavement Structure and Surfacing Design

• Road Safety Barriers

• Drainage Design

• Signing and Linemarking

• Design safety

• Road Design Standards

Further, based on the above-given analysis of data, you are then required to prepare a report using Template 4 to the management that includes the following:

• Three (3) viable options for the design of urban roads.

• Provide a recommendation on the preferred option and provide a reason for the selection of the preferred option.
Step 2: Complete the detailed design of the urban roads using computer-aided drafting design (CADD) and drafting technology.

• Access computer-aided drafting design (CADD) technology such as AutoCAD to complete the design of urban roads.

• Take into consideration the data analysed and recommendations provided in Step 1.

• Submit the finalised design to your Supervisor.
Step 3: Prepare a cost estimate for executing the designed urban roads using Template 5. Include the following information:

• Fixed costs: This includes the cost of purchasing equipment, material and plants.

• Time-related cost: This includes the cost of wages, equipment, and building rents spends on a particular activity in a given duration.

• Quantity proportional cost: It includes the cost of the quantity of material. It is of two types such as:

o Direct costs of construction of urban roads: The costs and expenses accrued on a facility, capacity or item are known as direct costs. The expenses caused by workers, material and equipment, etcetera are the direct costs in construction projects.
o Indirect costs of construction of urban roads: These are not directly accounted for on a particular facility, product or function. These are either variable or fixed.

• Construction cost of roads including the following:

o environmental works
o traffic management and temporary works
o adjustments of public utility
o traffic signage, signals and controls
o retaining walls
o drainage
o tunnels
o client-supplied materials and construction services
o pavements
o finishing works
o bulk earthworks
o supplementary items
o bridges
Step 4: Participate in the review of the design of the urban road with peers and stakeholders.

• Cross-Section: Examine the relationship between typical road cross-section layouts for initial and final designs, paying special attention to the following:

o Horizontal and vertical alignments.
o Design levels.
o The extent of earthworks and batters.
• Horizontal Alignment: Discuss the design concerns using the following items as a guide:

o alignment length
o design speed,
o chainage system,
o curve radii range
o realignment(s) concerning the existing road,
o plan transitions,
o alternative horizontal alignments,
o tie-ins,
o horizontal alignment to ultimate alignment,
o variances to Main Roads lateral clearance requirements
• Vertical Alignment: Discuss the design concerns using the following items as a guide:

o VPI spacing
o sight distance
o Gradients,
o super-elevation, super-elevation VC roundings,
o super-elevation transition lengths,
o clearances for grade separation,
o cut and fill depths,
o relationship of vertical profiles for each carriageway
o alternative vertical alignments,
o constraints, etc.
• Tie-In Sections and Blend Areas: Discuss the design concerns for where the planned roadworks tie into existing road sections, such as blend zones, diverge/merge tapers, and the suitability of tie-in section sight distances.

• Passing / Overtaking Lanes: If applicable, discuss the following design issues for overtaking lanes:

o Length of overtaking lanes.
o Warrant for overtaking lanes.
o Location of overtaking lanes
• Road Widening

o If applicable, discuss the following design aspects for the road widening:
o Warrant for the road widening.
o Length of the road widening.
o Location of the road widening
o Profiling of the edge of the road widening
o Method used for designing the road widening
• Intersections, Roundabouts and Interchanges: Discuss the design concerns using the following items as a guide:

o design speed,
o traffic assessment,
o horizontal and vertical alignments,

o left and right turn lane treatments (free flow slip lane, 70 deg. standup),

o sight distances,
o deceleration lane lengths,
o cyclist facilities,
o acceleration lane lengths,
o traffic islands,
o pedestrian facilities,
o paving,
o dual-use-paths,
o bridges,
o underpasses,
o ramps,
o swept path design vehicle(s),
o traffic signal control,
o ability to turn lane correct,
o alternative alignments,
o clearances for grade separation,
o constraints, etc.
o cut and fill depths,
• Pedestrian and Cyclist Facilities: Discuss the design considerations for pedestrian and cycling facilities, paying special attention to the features listed below:

o the inclusion of unique features that best fulfil the needs of schoolchildren, people with disabilities, and bikers, such as hazard warning systems, path slopes, and tactile ground surface indicators.

o interim access requirements to existing pedestrian and bicycle amenities impacted by road construction works, such as traffic island treatments, head-start bike lanes, grab rails, and ramps

• High Wide Loads: Discuss the design considerations using the following important element as an example:

o the design vehicle and load,
o road and ramp widths,
o route assessment
o horizontal clearances,
o vertical clearances,
o super-elevation or cross fall,
o maximum grades
o pavement structure and surfacing criteria
o vertical clearance analysis, etc.
• Bus Facilities: Discuss the need for new and/or relocated bus facilities, as well as their treatment, using the following aspects as a guide:

o location,
o drainage,
o length (including entry and exit tapers),
o hard standing areas,
o bus shelters,
o tactile ground surface indicators,
o traffic signs and pavement marking.
• Driveways: Discuss the need for reinstated, relocated, and new driveways, as well as the treatment options.

• Rest Areas and Other Roadside Features: Discuss the design concerns using the following items as a guide:

o facilities at parking bays and rest areas,
o the location of parking bays and rest areas,
o the spacing of parking bays and rest areas,
o truck arrestor beds etc.
• Pavement Structure and Surfacing Design: Discuss the structure of pavement and bituminous surfacing design in light of the geotechnical study findings and the following key elements:;

o design period traffic volumes,
o design period traffic composition
o pavement design,
o existing and adjoining pavement,
o subgrade material,
o proposed base course material,
o proposed sub-base material,
o proposed bituminous chip seal
o proposed bituminous primer seal
o special treatments, e.g. floodways etc.
• Earthworks and Batter Slopes: If applicable, discuss the following design issues for overtaking lanes:

o Deviation from the design batters
o the proposed embankment fill material,
o any special maintenance requirements.
o any special treatments proposed
o unsuitable materials,
• Road Safety Barriers: Discuss the justifications behind the following safety barriers:

o bridge abutments and piers,
o proposed fill embankments,
o drainage features and fixed roadside furniture.
• Drainage Design: Discuss the drainage system, focusing on the following points:

o Design philosophy.
o Consequences of failure
o Failure mechanism of the system.
o Drainage basins
o Outlets for the drainage system
o Ground types.
o Protection of drainage features.
o Floodways.
o Treatments for scour, overflow paths etc.
o Environmental standards and constraints.
o Minimum maintenance requirements
• Accommodation Works

o Fencing
o Noise Barriers and Retaining Walls
o Lighting Design
o Traffic Signals
o Signing and Linemarking
o Roadside Assistance Phones (Emergency Telephones)
Step 6: Complete a design report for the design of the urban road using Template 6. Include the following information:

• Cover page, including the following information:

o Road Name or Project Name
o S.L.K. - S.L.K.
o Design Report
o Road Section
o Report Status (Draft / Final)
o Local Authority Name (and Number)
o Project Number and Contract Number (if relevant)
o Date (Month / Year)
• Table of content

• Body of the report

o Introduction
• The design report's introduction will include a concise statement defining who commissioned the design project, a description of the road under consideration, the scope of the design work undertaken, the reason(s) for undertaking the project, and what benefits are expected to be achieved as a result of the design.

An Executive Summary may be necessary for some reports.

o Background
o Topography
o Road Reserve
o Traffic Assessment and Forecast
o ROSMA Road Trauma Reduction
o Road Safety Audits
o Existing services such as ‘DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG Services'

o Design Standards
o Road Design Standards
o Drainage Design Standards

Step 7: Monitor and coordinate the progress of other team members involved in the design process.
• Conduct regular meetings to measure the progress of each workgroup involves in the design process.

• Submit the meeting minutes to the trainer/assessor.
Step 8: Gain design approval from a higher authority.

• Submit the design approved to the trainer/assessor.

Provide a recommendation on the preferred option and provide a reason for the selection of the preferred option.

(200-300 words)

Activity 3: Finalise design processes of urban roads
This activity requires you to finalise the design processes of urban roads To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 3' provided.

• Document the outcomes using Template 7.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once completed.

Step 1: Ensure the filing of design records is completed. Further:
• Submit the filed design records to the trainer/assessor.

• Document the procedure implemented to file design records using Template 7.
Step 2: Complete and submit design cost and other reporting.

• Submit cost and other reporting to the trainer/assessor.
Step 3: Participate in performance review of the design process with the Supervisor.

• Determine the effectiveness of design processes implemented and document using Template 7.

• Recommend any changes required to the Supervisor and gather feedback and document using Template 7.
Step 4: Seek client feedback and contribute to the verification of the design.

• Consult client and seek feedback on design.

• Verify design and make any recommended changes.

• Submit the revised design, if any changes are made.
Step 5: Close out all systems.

Further, document the procedures implemented to close out all systems using Template 7.

Activity 4: Validate designs
This activity requires you to clean up at the worksite after constructing validate the designs finalised in Activity 3.
This activity requires you to finalise design processes of urban roads To complete this activity, you are required to:
• Complete the steps given in the ‘Checklist 4' provided.

• Document the outcomes using Template 8 for each occasion.

While completing each step, you must place a tick mark against each step given in the checklist once completed.

Step 1: Provide clarification and advice to those applying the design. Instructions:
• Provide clarification and advice on the flowing to the personnel or authorities applying the design. Discuss and clarify the following with them:

o Design characteristics
o Key areas of consideration
o Outcomes of design reports

• Document the discussion conducted using Template 8.
Step 2: Validate designs.

• Evaluate the application of the design and recommend changes for continuous improvement and document using Template 8.

Attachment:- Workplace scenario.rar

Reference no: EM133021855

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