Evaluating compliance of the quality system

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Reference no: EM133524954

Establish and maintain a quality system


Demonstrate performance application for this task, you should establish and maintain a quality system on at least two occasions, including:
• identifying quality responsibilities in job descriptions
• identifying and clearly communicating standards for quality management systems
• developing and implementing procedures for quality management
• monitoring quality activity, identify areas for improvement and implement changes for continuous improvement
• evaluating and documenting the effectiveness of the quality system
• evaluating compliance of the quality system.

Throughout the task, you must demonstrate your ability to:
• locate and apply relevant legislation, documentation, policies and procedures and confirm that the work activity is compliant
• implement the requirements, procedures and techniques for establishing and maintaining a quality system
• work effectively with others to establish and maintain a quality system in a way that meets all required outcomes
• use a range of communication techniques and aids to advise others of work activity and exclusion zones
• communicate clearly and concisely with others to receive and clarify work instructions.

Introduction to your task:
The Quality Management System (QMS) in the civil construction industry refers to quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control. The construction industry's primary goal is to ensure that civil construction projects completed within the constraints of the best quality, stated period and at minimum possible cost.
Your task is to guide quality plans based on ISO 9000 and the concepts used in ISO 9001 to establish and maintain a quality system on at least two occasions. The two occasions include:
• Occasion 1: Quality assurance system
• Occasion 2: Quality Control system

By establishing and maintaining a structured Quality Management System, civil construction organisations seek to document, improve, and verify fundamental daily operational practices that enable the organisation to satisfy customers' requirements and expectations, associated parties and company stakeholders. The core documentation of an effective QMS program addresses many concepts, including the following primary goals:
• Create comprehensive QMS specifications
• Delineate authorities
• Establish core inter-relationships and personnel operating responsibilities
• Declare and define procedures and activities pertinent to QMS requirements
• Define effective and reliable processes for accumulating, reporting, tracking, analysing and responding to QMS- related events
• Institute a system to audit and ensure compliance within the stated and established QMS standards and goals

Your task:

Every quality system in civil construction companies need a written QA/QC Framework. Your QA/QC Framework will act as your company standard for setting and establishing quality-related activities across all divisions and projects. Even if you already have a written set of policies and procedures, your QA/QC framework will help put those details into perspective as part of a well thought out, integrated quality system. You need to establish and maintain a quality framework integrating a QA/QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control plan. Develop, and document a business plan
(appendix 1) - QA/QC plan that includes a quality system according to workplace procedures (Attachment 1) for:
• Occasion 1: Quality Control system - via the development of quality outputs
• Occasion 2: Quality assurance system - to ensure quality project management processes

You are meeting with the QA & QC team on two different occasions with the aim to establish implement organisation requirement, procedure and techniques to maintain a quality system. To do this you will meet with your QA & QC team to establish and maintain a quality system demonstrating your ability to:
• Incorporate quality responsibilities in job descriptions
• develop and implement procedures for quality management
• monitor quality activity, identify areas for improvement and implement changes for continuous improvement
• evaluate and document the effectiveness of the quality system
• evaluate compliance with the quality system.

Establish a collaborative process and encourage engagement of people to enhance the organisations' ability to create and deliver value for interested parties. Your organisation should establish and maintain processes for the employment of its people. Managers at all levels should encourage people to be involved in improving performance and meeting organisation improvement. As part of your quality strategy, establish processes for the outputs from reviews shared with interested parties, as a way of facilitating and collaborating learning, the Quality strategy should define how the organisation will establish and maintain:
• Quality related issues faced in the application of the project management processes
• Quality issues encountered in the development of the outputs
• Relevant quality standards applied
• Performance under activities outlined in the work plan conducted correctly
• Communicating outcomes to relevant personnel verbally and in writing
• Resolving issues raised according to workplace procedures
• collaboration and consultation processes according to workplace procedures

Identify quality system responsibilities in job descriptions and duty statements. For each process, the organisation should appoint a person or a team, depending on the nature of the process and organisation culture, with defined
responsibilities and authorities to determine, maintain, control, and improve the process and its interaction with other methods it impacts and those that have an impact on it. The organisation should ensure that process owners'
responsibilities, authorities, and roles recognised throughout the organisation. The people associated with the individual processes have the competencies needed for the task and activities involved.

Identify, source and provide resources for the operation of the quality system according to workplace procedures.
Resources support the operation of all processes and are critical for ensuring effective and efficient performance and its sustained success. Determine and manage the resources needed to achieve your objectives and consider the associated risks and opportunities and the potential effects. Summarise the provision of sourced resources for the operation of the quality system according to workplace procedures

The organisation should establish and maintain procedures for identifying and assessing quality issues; therefore, the organisation should establish a systematic approach to collect, analyse and review available information. Based on the results, the organisation should use the information to update its understanding of its context, policies, strategy, and objectives while promoting improvement, learning and innovative activities. In your quality plan outline how you will:
• Performance analysis - Identify existing and potential quality issues and trends from quality statistics and records
• Performance evaluation - Establish procedures for identification of existing and potential quality issues according to workplace procedures
• Reviews and Innovation - Monitor changes to the workplace to determine if additions or modifications to the quality system are required. To support and promote innovation, the organisation should:
o Identify specific needs for design and encourage innovative thinking in general
o Establish and maintain processed that allow for practical innovation
o Provide the resources needed to realise innovative ideas

Improvement, learning and innovation are interdependent and critical aspects that contribute to an organisation's sustained success. They create inputs into products, services, processes and management systems, and contribute to achieving desired results. The organisation will continuously change its external and internal issues and its interested parties' needs and expectations. Improvement, learning and innovation support the organisation's ability to respond to these changes in a manner that enables it to fulfil its mission and vision and supports.

To do this design procedures for the treatment of quality issues by:
• Establishing procedures to treat quality issues and trends to confirm compliance
• Establishing procedures for applying interim solutions when measures to treat quality issues at their source are not practicable
Include in these sections:
o Improvement procedures
o Lessons learned procedures
o Innovation procedures leading to changed products or services, processes, market position, or performance, enabling realisation or redistribution of value

Complete Section 2

Then, establish procedures for ongoing treatment of the quality system according to workplace procedures. Outline how you will:
• Monitor quality activities throughout the organisation, identify inadequacies and provide resources to implement appropriate quality measures according to workplace procedures
• Establish training programs that meet quality system training requirements

Attachment:- Establish and maintain a quality system.rar

Reference no: EM133524954

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