Reference no: EM132827972
BUS 411 Change Management - Emirates College of Technology
Assignment Subject: Analyzing and evaluating an organization in the UAE change by using Nadler &Tushman's Model
1- Use the Nadler &Tushman's congruence model:
- describe your organization or an organization you are familiar with.
- Categorize the key components of the:
A. environment,
B. strategy,
C. tasks,
D. formal system,
E. key individuals.
- What outputs are desired?
- Are they achieved? Answer yes or no then explain
- Is the strategy in line with organization's environmental inputs? Answer yes or no then explain
- Is the transformation process (the key tasks, the formal organization, the informal organization, and the key individuals) all aligned well with your organization's strategy? Answer yes or no then explain
- How do they interact to produce the outputs?
3- When you evaluate your organization's outputs at the:
A. organizational,
B. group,
C. individual levels,
- do you see anything that might identify issues that your organization should address? Answer yes or no then explain
4- Are there some aspects of how your organization works that you have difficulty understanding? Answer yes or no If so, identify the resources you can access to help this analysis.
Assignment Working Guidelines
A. Assignment Structure
It is recommended that your assignment report have the following structure in the order provided here.
1. Table of Contents ( as attached style)
Table of contents should contain titles and page numbers for the main sections and subsections of your report. The table of contents should also include entries for any appendices in your report.
2. Introduction
It consists of presenting your organization, the subject and the objectives of your assignment. You should also present the different questions and issues you will have to discuss in this assignment.
3. Report Body
This is the central and main part of the assignment which contains the answers to the different questions asked above. The main requirement is that you need to structure the report so that it is clear and structured in a way that makes sense. Grammar and spellings count.
4. Conclusion
The assignment's conclusion should summarize the main findings obtained through your analysis.
5. References
You are responsible for appropriately citing material and methods that you use. Give references for the data collected from a textbook, a magazine, a review or a website identifying its sources while using the appropriate form. In the references section, references should be in a numbered list, ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author.
Attachment:- Change Management.rar