Evaluates and makes recommendations to address

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13330735

Submit a research paper that is 6-8 pages in length, excluding cover page, table of contents, and references. Your final paper's content should synthesize course concepts, provide a review of supporting material, and present a general understanding of the selected topic. In addition, your paper should include:
Paper must include 5-7 credible references to support your position. Your sources can be from course texts or assigned readings. However, utilizing journals from the Kaplan online library is preferred.
All in-text citations and references must be presented using APA style and formatting guidelines. When completing your Assignment, take a clear stand on whether a particular action or decision is right or wrong and then defend it, using one or more of the workable ethical theories described in the book.

  • Include 5-7 credible references (with citations) to support viewpoints.
  • Minimum 6-8 pages long, (not including cover page) 12 pt. type, double-spaced and free of spelling errors.

Save file as Project6_yourlastname.doc and submit to the Dropbox.
For instructions on how to submit your Assignment to the Dropbox, click on the Academic Tools tab above
Written Assignment Requirements
Answers contain sufficient information, adequately researched and cited, to credibly and specifically answer the questions. Deductions for spelling, grammar, organization and citation errors are outlined in the MSIT Writing Rubric.
Please be sure to download and reference the file "Writing Center Resources"
Review the grading rubric below before beginning this activity. Printable rubrics are available in Doc Sharing.
Final Project grading rubric = 250 points
Project Requirements / criterion Maximum points possible for satisfactory completion of task Points earned by student
#1 Analyze legal and ethical issues in the field of Information Technology.

  • Clearly analyzes and evaluates two Information Technology issues using workable ethical theories

#2 Apply ethical theories to information technology case studies.

  • Applies workable ethical theories to evaluate Information Technology case studies.

#3 Discuss recent legislation related to ethical computing.
• Researches two recent laws regarding ethical computing, and formulates an opinion based on one or more workable ethical theories.
#4 Evaluate differences in ethical codes of information technology conduct in different cultures.
• Evaluates and makes recommendations to address differences in ethical codes of information technology conduct in different cultures in a very clear and detailed way.


Reference no: EM13330735

Questions Cloud

What is the return value of the following code : What is the return value of the following code?
Write the code to play a number guessing game : HW#5:Write the code to play a number guessing game.
Relational database concepts and applications : Relational Database Concepts and Applications
Why is network security particularly difficult to achieve : Why is network security particularly difficult to achieve?
Evaluates and makes recommendations to address : Evaluates and makes recommendations to address differences in ethical codes of information technology conduct in different cultures in a very clear and detailed way.
Prepare a variable costing income statement for 2012 : Prepare a variable costing income statement for 2012 - calculate Polk's manufacturing cost per unit for 2012. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g.10.50.)
List the names of all the business layer classes : Create the application class using an appropriate application name. This name must reflect the whole solution for software development 3.
At what height did she leave the plane : A parachutist leaves a stationary plane and free falls for 50.0 meters (ignore air resistance for the free fall). At what height did she leave the plane
How long after the ball was struck : The football started on the ground 63yrds from the base of the goal posts and just barely cleared the 10ft high bar. How long after the ball was struck did it past through the goal posts


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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

  Implement one class called parkingmeter

implement one class called parkingmeter, that is a simple model of a coin operated parking meter

  Implement the backend for a list

Using an array to implement the backend for a list, create a list class that can contain integers and implements all of the following funtionality via the following functions:List() - the constructor List (const List& 1) - a copy constructor

  Give upper bound on number of training

Give an upper bound on the number of training examples sufficient to assure with 90% confidence that the learned perceptron will have true error of at most 5%. Does this bound seem realistic?

  Find out the number of candidate keys

Find out the number of candidate keys

  Write a method named maxelement

Write a method named maxElement, which returns the largest value in an array that is passed as an argument. The method should use recursion to find the largest element. Demonstrate the method in a program.

  Implement a cash register applet as demonstrated below

A section containing 9 buttons in a 3x3 layout where each button corresponds to an item to be purchased and an associated item cost. The example below has each button correspond to a common fruit.

  Create an employeeexception class

Create an EmployeeException class whose constructor receives a String that consists of an employee's ID and pay rate. Create an Employee class with two fields, idNum and hourlyWage.

  Write a c++ program that read an integer

Write a C++ program that read an integer.The code will check if the number is divisible by 3, it will print the number is divisible by 3.

  Determine if a string is a palindrome

Using the stack and queue class, determine if a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string (empty to many sentences) that reads the same forwards and backwards.

  Based on your executive summary produced in lab

Based on your executive summary produced in LAB#4 - Perform a Qualitative Risk Assessment for an IT Infrastructure, what was the primary focus of your message to executive management?

  Solve decanting problem using euclidean algorithm

Use Euclidean algorithm to solve decanting problem for decanters of sizes 1317 and 1075. Or we can say, determine integers x and y.

  Find an equation of the line perpendicular to p1

find an equation of the line perpendicular to p1 and intersecting the line x(t)=t+1,y(t) = 3-t, z(t) = 5t+4 at the point corresping to t=2.

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