Reference no: EM132141654
Individual Learning Project Instructions
The Individual Learning Project is an opportunity for you to evaluate yourself and your role within your organization by completing 10 self-assessment activities.
You will begin the paper by completing a modified Abstract that details a past, present, or future job you will use as a basis for analyzing the self-assessment results.
You will then write a full-page analysis of each assessment and combine all 10 together according to the provided format for submission at the end of the course.
Each self-assessment must have at least 1 reference to support your analysis and be cited according to current APA. You will find the Self-Assessment Activities in Connect.
These are the activities you must complete. They are found at the end of the indicated chapter.
2 Are You Introverted or Extraverted?
4 How Do You Cope With Stressful Situations?
5 How Strong Are Your Growth Needs?
7 What is your Preferred Decision-Making Style?
8 What Team Roles Do You Prefer?
9 Are You An Active Listener?
10 What's Your Approach to Influencing Co-Workers?
11 What's Your Preferred Conflict Handling Style?
12 Do Leaders Make a Difference?
13 What Organizational Structure Do You Prefer?
After completing an assessment, analyze it by using the scoring key located in Connect and write an analysis with the following components:
Title of the self-assessment (centered at the top of the page)
1. Purpose of assessment
2. Your actual score
3. The interpretation of your score, using the key
4. How you can use the results of this self-assessment to improve your effectiveness and/or efficiency in an organization
Page and Paper Format:
Components 1-3 above must not exceed 1/4 of the space on the page.
Component 4 above must occupy the remaining 3/4 of the space on the page.
All pages must be double-spaced with 1" margins (right, left, top, bottom) and left-justified.
Font must be Times New Roman and 12-pt size.
Titles for each component must be centered according to current APA format.
The first line of paragraphs must be indented 5 spaces.
For the submitted collection of analyses, attach a standard cover page like the sample document accompanying these instructions. Your submissions must also include a reference page.
Page headers must include short title and pagination (use Microsoft Word header function). Cover page is not numbered. All other pages are numbered using the standard number format (1, 2, etc.).