Evaluate your proposal on how well it complies

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Reference no: EM133480274

Case: Your audience for this assignment will evaluate your Proposal on how well it complies with your Request for Proposal, how professional your presentation seems, how specifically your project goals have been stated, how reasonable your schedule looks, etc. You must decide how this Proposal and any accompanying presentation (for extra credit!) will LOOK, as well as what CONTENT it will include; professionalism is the key to an impressive document, as well as a convincing presentation. Appropriate graphics should be used in an effective manner. Use MLA or APA format for this document.

Your Proposal must address EACH aspect of the Request for Proposal your Company chose. At a minimum, your Proposal MUST be at least five full typewritten pages, NOT including the following REQUIRED elements:

cover or title page
Table of Contents
professional resume
list of Works Cited or References
appropriate appendices, including the Request for Proposal, your Proposal Letter, a formal index, etc.

Reference no: EM133480274

Questions Cloud

Why do some supervisors fail to delegate effectively : Why do some supervisors fail to delegate effectively? If this situation were a common problem in an organization, what could be done to increase supervisors'
How you have used the six tradeoffs of project management : Explain how you have used the six tradeoffs of Project Management to manage a previous project at work or for a class project
How would the technology benefit you in your education : How would the technology benefit you in your education or practice setting? Why do you find the tool helpful? How would you enhance the tool?
How can the dnp utilize such information : How can researchers obtain the data? What is the purpose of the data? Are there costs associated with obtaining the data? How can the DNP utilize
Evaluate your proposal on how well it complies : Evaluate your Proposal on how well it complies with your Request for Proposal, how professional your presentation seems, how specifically your project goals
What can you as a learning leader do to help students : Think about the "system" of your school or district. What can you as a learning leader do to help students achieve greater success within that system?
Person personality affect their job search : How can a person's personality affect their job search, employability, as well as predict their behavior? What do you think?
Did the federal funding significantly respond : Did the federal funding significantly respond to the Covid-related mental health crisis? Information regarding the budget needs to be included as well as
Who have attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder : Discuss the characteristics of students who have Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. How might understanding the characteristics and/or causes


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