Evaluate your own social media presence

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133386618


Social Media Messages for Businesses

Overview: This assignment provides you with an opportunity to think about

  • how businesses use social media
  • how you can best present yourself to the business world using social media

You will

  1. review your personal social media with an eye to how employers would see it
  2. review a peer's evaluation of their own social media and respond to them
  3. evaluate an organization's efforts to use social media

The assignment includes two tasks. You may post answers to both in a single post, or you can tackle Task 1 in a post and Task 2 in a separate post. For detailed assignment instructions, be sure to see below.

Why is this assignment relevant to your career? This assignment will help you curate your own social media presence and consider a business's social media presence, considering audience and tone.

In addition, this assignment addresses the following learning outcomes for the course:

  1. Identify the purpose of written and verbal communications.
  2. Assess and "speak to" specific audiences, both orally and in writing.
  3. Organize and present business-related information orally and in writing.
  4. Understand the decision-making process and the impact it has on oral and written communications.
  5. Select and use appropriate wording.
  6. Write business-related messages that are clear, precise, and concise.

Task 1: Evaluate your own social media presence

  1. Select one of your personal social media accounts such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. (as opposed to professional accounts like LinkedIn).
  2. Post a screen shot of one of your recent posts and explain how a potential employer might view that message, photo, video, etc.
  3. Review a peer's post and see if you agree with how they've evaluated their example of their social media presence.

Task 2: Evaluate an organization's social media post. Be sure to address the following:

1. Select an organization's social media post from any social media platform.

2. Post a screen shot of the post, being sure to identify the organization/business.

3. Comment on the screen shot, addressing the following at a minimum:

  • What is the purpose(s) of this post? Relationship building with customers, customer service, branding, marketing, building value and encouraging users to return to the site? Other purposes?
  • What strategies does the post use to accomplish its purpose(s)?
  • How would you improve this post?

This article may help you further understand the benefits of social media to businesses.

Use your textbook/any videos in this module as a resource for the content of this message; feel free to do additional research. Be sure to cite/document any additional research by providing the URLs.

Reference no: EM133386618

Questions Cloud

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Why would counselors use person-centered therapy : Why would counselors use person-centered therapy over psychoanalytic therapy or other approaches? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Explain the importance of incorporating social and emotional : explain the importance of incorporating social and emotional learning activities in early childhood classrooms. What learning outcomes should be addressed
Evaluate your own social media presence : Select one of your personal social media accounts such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.
What are the sociocultural influences that effect customer : What are the sociocultural influences that effect customer decision-making when considering healthcare services?
How the development of each identified person was influenced : Consider how the development of each identified person was influenced by social events, such as wars, epidemics, economic downturns, and racial equality
Write your own argument for the use of the specific : Write your own essay based on the prompts above. Provide a brief summary of the Goldberg piece
Summarize one of the experiments covered in this unit : Summarize one of the experiments covered in this unit on the relationship between damage to the prefrontal cortex and impaired working memory.


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