Evaluate whether or not culture of organization

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133128038

Ethics in an organization does not necessarily begin at the top but must be embraced by leadership to influence the organization's ethically based decisions, goals, and strategies that drive the organization forward.

Reflect back on an ethical dilemma or situation you have encountered within your organization. The situation was handled both appropriately and professionally as a result of effective and successful leadership practices within your workplace. Write a communication to the stakeholders of the organization as if you were the CEO of the organization; addressing the following:

The ethical situation in question and the steps it took to get there.

Evaluate whether or not the culture of the organization provided a climate that nurtured this type of behavior.

Briefly describe the impact this had on the employees and stakeholders.

Make recommendations for how the organization can change to ensure this type of action does not repeat itself and how they can reform their ethical approach if not already reformed.

Reference no: EM133128038

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